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frozenboy last won the day on March 29 2022

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  1. Look pretty cool, can u share it, it based on web so i guess it has some animation right?
  2. b cũng ở vn à, b có thể tạo bản đứng size 2560x1600 dc ko ạ, thank b
  3. I am pretty sure it work in web mode
  4. Can u share those templates, quite curious with them
  5. No it not, It is 700x1024 as far as I remember, but resize it is quite easy
  6. import in LCD section then it would show in localhost web
  7. it will be cool if u make pacman moving around
  8. that icon has been flatted into the background, u can replace it by edit the background image
  9. web version can be easy scale by press ctrl +/- on your keyboard, so u dont need specific 1024x600
  10. what is your problem. 516 Download times but look like not all of them success in make it work
  11. from antonio
  12. open your browser and type localhost:80 your
  13. Enable remote sensor is enough, it work in web so every device with web browser will able to do it. From a tablet, a phone, a nintendo switch or ps vita is fine
  14. working in progress i saw they could do as u need in taobao
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