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n4n15 last won the day on May 23 2022

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  1. Thanks ! No problem, give it a try ^^ I don't know if you have already import it but I may have messed up the gauge name (same name for both small and big) Here is a fixed one If you want. Perso Bleu.sensorpanel
  2. My contribution : I use various panel and assets from other to make a 1980x480 panel that looks good to me without being too crowded. I can't remember from whome soo... sorry if I don't credit you. The idea behind is to have a somewhat minimalist panel with clean center to use witch some nice wallpapers engine themes. No FAN speed monitor cause I use a corsair commander pro and AIDA64 and ICUE are messed up when I use both. No DL and UP speed cause I find it useless. No Storage view for the same reasons. The GIF seem a bit dull but it look great in real. To get that tansparent effect I set the panel transparency to 50% with black color. The wallpapers is from "mattl45454", called "Lifewild" and can be found in the steam workshop for free. The fonts I use are in the Zip archive. Feel free to adapt and modify at your convenience and may be share it back ^^ PERSO.zip
  3. Hey! Realy like your panel. Can you please share it with me ? n4n15@ik.me Thanks !
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