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AliOxen last won the day on March 28

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  1. This was one my favorite designs. Pokemon Red is a core memory for my gaming life and finding the actual font was the icing on the cake. Plus, Ash walk towards Gary as the CPU utilization increases, check the example in the video. Any feedback is greatly appreciated, even on my bronze Cassidy aim.
  2. Thanks! Yeah, not learning Illustrator feels like one of my biggest weaknesses at the moment. I hope to see your take on an OW skin sometime, huge fan of your portfolio.
  3. This is actually helpful man, thanks for the feedback. I think a few characters will definitely give it some more life
  4. I wanted to make an Overwatch theme but I'm at a wall with the design. Any feedback is appreciated
  5. Liked the idea of switching up the individual assets whenever I wanted to without importing an entirely new panel
  6. I've never watched Eva Unit 01 before this but I think it turned out pretty cool
  7. Not sure if it will make it into the build, time constraints might make it unusable but wanted to share anyways. PC has a weed theme, used almost the entire panel for the gauges. Shoutout to @miishb79
  8. This is a great adaptation, great job
  9. Hands down, this design is top 3 of my favorite skins ever. Very well done.
  10. Guy said it was too complicated for his build but I though it was a super cool Hyperspace effect once you get into high CPU utilization. File is way too big to attach here but there's a link to a free download https://orisha.tech/products/star-falcon-aida64-stat-monitor-skin-600x1024 Leave a reaction if you want to support the work, feedback is welcome.
  11. Took minimal to another level but I think there's more to go MODERN MINIMAL II STATIC.sensorpanel
  12. 240x320 layouts, hands down the smallest ones I've ever made
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