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Gabe Zalewski

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Everything posted by Gabe Zalewski

  1. Recently upgraded my chassis to a Lian Li o11 D XL. I kept the same 800x480 screen but this time I positioned it vertically next to the single back exhaust slot. Not gonna lie, got pretty lazy when redoing the sensor panel so I just stripped a bunch off of my old one hahaha A better version will follow, but here's the HUD sensor revision 4.0.
  2. Valeu irmao! Se o sr for na pagina 26 desse topico eu tenho o arquivo pro sensor panel e tambem o arquivo de photoshop se precisar modificar algo no display.
  3. Love this one man!
  4. Awesome! What screen are you using to display? Seems like it would fit my case a lot better than my 5" screen!
  5. Hey that's awesome man! I still have the original PSD file as well so let me know if you want that one to edit any of the icons or gauges!
  6. For sure. I'll send you the sensor panel file but also the PSD file. I made the hardware labels as part of the static background so you might have to change or hide those layers in the original PSD file to match your system. It also is already in 800*480 so no resizing needed! Neon HUD v2.sensorpanel HUD_Panel_v2.psd
  7. Lil Umbrella Corp themed HUD from today. Got lazy towards the end. V2 should be better! Anyways, here's another weird custom gauge as well, hope y'all enjoy! Umbrella_HUD_v1_sensorpanel.f28cf09ad730a17a73e471335ca69afa
  8. Just got done with the third version of my neon HUD display. First one is up here in the thread, second one got convoluted, so this third version is what I'm using now.
  9. Awesome panels in this thread! Haven't busted photoshop out yet to fully customize, but this is what I got so far. 2020-07-09.sensorpanel
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