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Everything posted by levedog

  1. Sorry i'm late, I will share it now. 1920*480 (8.8 inch screen) cyberpunk2077.sensorpanel
  2. Great! I also like it very much.
  3. Hi! in fact, This screen originally comes with an original metal casing, like this: I bought this screen(Screen + metal shell) from Taobao: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.
  4. ARMA3-Night-sensorpa.zip
  5. 'panel is a 8.8" HannStar IPS (HSD088IPW1-A00)' is correct! I can easily buy screens and matching controller board on Taobao in China, and they are sold together in combination. For example, this link: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r. (I cannot guarantee that this link can be accessed outside of China) I don't know how to buy this controller board separately, there is no model name on it.
  6. I use an 8.8-inch screen with a resolution of 1920*480, which is very suitable for this job.
  7. Try this:
  8. ("COD"): 边境.sensorpa.zip
  9. ("COD" ):
  10. 1920*480 (8.8 inch screen):
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