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Everything posted by antonio

  1. IOI Some design elements are used for reference.
  2. Please use your creativity. this is gif Background image.
  3. With the popularity of high refresh rate screens, sensor templates are more and more limited. It is recommended to use .rslcd format skin.
  4. EVA 1080p pause update. Start sorting, resolution 1024-600
  5. This skin is more suitable for hardware monitoring.
  6. 分辨率为 1080p 的作品将在不久的将来更新。
  7. I don't object to communication, but I hate reselling. Therefore, I rarely upload templates, only upload the styles of finished products, which is convenient to provide you with some ideas. I also get inspiration through other people's templates. After two years of continuous production, about 300 styles with different resolutions were produced. Sometimes when I saw the templates uploaded by others, I found that the original author was me and didn't express any opinions, because it would lead to meaningless debate. The biggest difficulty in making templates is inspiration. Sometimes you will be in a daze for a long time when facing a picture and demand. Therefore, I hope that friends who download can cherish it and do not seek personal interests. I don't make a panel (. Sensorpanel) in sensor mode now. The following problems have been found: 1. The screen zoom function cannot be used. All screen zooms need to be set to 100%, otherwise the version will be wrong. 2. It cannot be used for displays with different refresh rates, such as 144hz for the main screen and 60Hz for the sub screen. When the main screen is full screen game, the sub screen theme will be misplaced. 3. GIF format pictures cannot be used in this format, so the actual effect is lower than rslcd format. 4. I can't remember for a moment. I'll add it next time...
  8. Both formats can be used at the same time.
  9. To celebrate the premiere of halo TV series, let's have a halo theme style.
  10. new batman 总感觉怪怪的,就当做半成品吧
  11. zaku 3840-1100 I should not update new works in the near future. I need to be busy with other work.
  12. 我是要成为海贼王的男人!!! 呸~ 说错了,重新说 我是要成为海贼王!!!
  13. happy new year 样式仅供参考
  14. 分辨率 1024-600 格式rslcd 适用于lcd格式
  15. 新年第二个分享 分辨率600-1024 因为附件空间限制,喜欢的尽快下载 附件包含psd文件
  16. 新年第一个分享 分辨率3840-1100 因为附件空间限制,喜欢的尽快下载
  17. 样式仅供参考 分辨率1100-3840
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