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Exhumed last won the day on September 4

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  1. I bought this from Amazon Germany but you can find the display somewhere else. Works great. https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B09JP2565M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 https://www.waveshare.com/8.8inch-Side-Monitor.htm https://www.amazon.com/8-8inch-480x1920-Monitor-Raspberry-Enclosure/dp/B09Q9QRYVN
  2. You should avoid accusing other users of things based on your own assumptions without proof. Inappropriate behavior in the forum can, in extreme cases, lead to an account ban. If someone sells sensor panels that were offered to this community for free but are no longer available, this is against the forum rules and a violation of copyright infringements. If someone has clear evidence of this, report this user to us, the moderators or the forum admin. Selling sensor panels is allowed in the corresponding sub-forum. But only if these panels and graphics were all created by yourself and do not contain any elements from other free and or paid sensor panels that could potentially infringe the rights of the owner. We punish violations of this with a permanent ban.
  3. Some sensors are auto-detected (same or similar on every pc) by Aida64, others you have to change manually because every pc hardware (mainboards and other hardware) has different sensors. Rightclick on the sensor panel and open it via "Sensorpanel Manager". Now you have a list of sensors, images and more. Look for the sensors that are not working, leftclick to mark and rightclick for "Modify" this sensor. Choose the correct sensor you want to replace or change via the list (all the detected hardware sensors on your pc) and press OK.
  4. You need to edit these sensors in the Aida64 sensorpanel manager.
  5. https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/rtss-rivatuner-statistics-server-download.html You need to setup the "RTSS". Download the software and follow the steps and it should work.
  6. If you have a software problem you should post this in the correct sub-forum because this is not a help thread.
  7. I'm glad that my short instructions helped you to implement it yourself. Good work on the panel.
  8. A little bit of work but you can do it on your own. It's not that hard. All the images from a imported sensor panels are located here. C:\Program Files (x86)\AIDA64\SensorPanel Search after "white 1080p.jpg" The background image. Open it with a graphic program and invert it via "invert colors" and save it under the same name or as a duplicate. You could use a free online software or download a free trial version. Gimp, PaintNet etc. Hide the background image in Aida64 via the sensorpanel manager. Change the colors of all sensors from black to white via the "Modify" button. To change every label at once, mark all "text" labels manually from the list and then click on "Modify" of one of the labels. If you change the color of one label, everything changes after confirming it with "OK". For the sensors it similar but not all sensor can be change all at once. Some of them are different, so you need to edit many of them manually one by one. If the sensors are of a similar type, you can edit several at once. This saves a lot of time. Just look at the symbol in the list, if it's similar you can manually mark them all and edit at once. And the last step is to change the gauge graphics. There are 15 of them in the sensorpanel folder. Aida64 sensorpanel manager. All are under the section of Type: "custom" There are 15 graphis linked under "States" via "..." Convert them via "invert colors" and save them as again as transparent .png with a alpha channel. Maybe you need to re-adress the gauge graphics but maybe not and if you load the sensor panel again the new inverted graphics will be loaded. If it is not working this way, you have to reset the gauge meter and all graphics files linked. Change the option under Type: "custom" to white or black, it doenst matter. Click OK. It resets the path of all the linked gauge images to the aida standard gauge. Open the dialog of this sensor again and change it back to "custom". Now ad all 15 graphics back as shown there: State #1 = image 01. It depends and how many he made. You can check hown many he made in the folder. Sometimes they use 16 images but mostly 15 images. hide background image (makes it easier to work in the panel with a neutral background) edit labels edit sensors edit gauge images change the background image with the inverted colored image save the panel and give it a new file name
  9. It looks like a copyright infringement to me because I found a modified design on Etsy which is much older. Design stolen. https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/1499088172/sensor-panel-cyber-yellow-skintemplate?click_key=a2faf940149e6f5b2d3777e69775b4b9a7e5959b%3A1499088172&click_sum=fdffb3f7&ref=shop_home_active_16&sts=1 In addition, this user seems to have modified another free design without the permission of the creator and is distributing it upon request. Perma Ban!
  10. If you are the original creator of this panel and he has not asked for your permission to edit it, then let us know and we will delete his post and issue a warning. In case of such disputes, please contact us.
  11. https://www.flaticon.com/ Type: "pc parts" in the searchbar. Choose a icon and icon style and click on it. Press the drop-down menu for the size (16px-512px) you want to download.
  12. Note to all forum users. Please refrain from linking/embedding videos in the forum that show demonstrably illegal Aida64 keys in the video and/or are made available via links/downloads in the video description. These keys are on Finalwire's blacklist and are deactivated. Buy an Aida64 key in the official Finalwire shop (https://www.aida64.com/online-store). There are sales from time to time (e.g. spring promotion, Black Friday, Christmas), so you can buy a key cheaper.
  13. Arrows = sensors All sensors are listed according to category. What you click on there is the category and not a sensor. Logically, the display doesn't work because there is no sensor behind it or selected.
  14. Asus ROG Ryujin III (3,5"-LCD) Aida64 Sensor Panel - created by Exhumed This new Asus ROG panel is available in a 320x240px resolution for the 3,5" inch LCD-screen. Temperature and performance display values for CPU, GPU are available. All sensors and text can be changed manually via the sensorpanel manager. Price inquiries are welcome via email or PM here in the forum. Hover your mouse over my avatar picture and click on contact. Theme: Asus ROG Ryujin III, black/red Resolution: 320x240 Sensorpanel: 3x different styles Package: 2x background (normal/darker) images, icons, asus font, ".sensorpanel" file
  15. Der Beitrag enthielt kein Vorschaubild. Laut den Foren Regeln muss immer ein Vorschaubild dabei sein, daher wurde der Beitrag ausgeblendet und der User darüber informiert.
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