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Everything posted by Boss351Mustang

  1. Here is my sensor panel first attempt. A big thank you to all the designers of all the gauges that I used in my senorpanel too many to name but much appreciated for my first attempt. screen size is 768x1360 347771862_1AdesignbyMarcT_sensorpanel.894e47164666a7cd45c184d35f5629cd
  2. Here is my sensor panel first attempt. A big thank you to all the designers of all the gauges that I used in my senorpanel too many to name but much appreciated for my first attempt. screen size is 768x1360 1726971684_1AdesignbyMarcT_sensorpanel.4b9c367cf7582e6f609f8dc07cd81141
  3. When you have to select each state(State #0 to State #15) on custom gauges sorry for not explaining it properly
  4. Is there anyway to select all stages of a custom gauge at once?
  5. Would like to see if you could share all your full Marvel lineHulk_Panel.pngIronman_Panel.pngCaptainAmerica_Panel.pngBlackWidow_Panel.pngSpiderman_Panel.pngup sensor panel they look great and would like to use them

  6. Can you share looks good
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