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SiR_KaMiKaZeE last won the day on November 12 2024

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  1. So my monitor being more resolution than the sensor panel somehow makes everything else smaller? I've never not had a panel that's smaller than my monitor have this issue before as long as the width is correct the height shouldn't matter as long as the monitor is above the said panels height Also the sensor panel size is wrong, your sensor panel size as stated by the file itself is being uploaded as "<SPWIDTH>1212.57</SPWIDTH><SPHEIGHT>445.7" So 1212x445...
  2. Having the same issue with this sensor panel, I'm using a 1920x1080 screen the same issue occurs, I tried all the recommended fixes but to no avail.
  3. I would love to use it, looks amazing and is the perfect size ❤️
  4. I would love to use it, looks amazing and is the perfect size ❤️
  5. I Love You! thank you!
  6. I know you've been getting a lot of resize requests, and I'm sorry but I'm going to ask for another ❤️ Can you please do 300x1080 or close to it, I know its a smaller format but I like just having a little sidebar panel, I completely understand if you are done resizing for everyone 😂
  7. Yes, it would also remove the background "trial version" text
  8. Yes you would need to purchase the full version to fix this.
  9. Great edit, good use of space, especially in the top sections.
  10. Nice to see people still getting use out of this, looks good 👌
  11. Designed for 270x1080 I have included each color icon set and background separately so you can mix and match your own colors. Enjoy! Backgrounds_Icons.7z These were edited/made with the expectation that your taskbar is shown, if you hide your taskbar there will be a blank grey area at the bottom of the panel. I will not edit these for you. Feel free to download and edit/resize them yourself. 🙂 Green_Kami.sensorpanel Blue_Kami.sensorpanel Orange_Kami.sensorpanel Purple_Kami.sensorpanel Red_Kami.sensorpanel Yellow_Kami.sensorpanel
  12. Glad to see people are still getting use out of this one, glad you like it...
  13. Love this, thank you for sharing. It reminds me of MSI Afterburner :p
  14. Looks great, good work.
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