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Everything posted by SiR_KaMiKaZeE

  1. So my monitor being more resolution than the sensor panel somehow makes everything else smaller? I've never not had a panel that's smaller than my monitor have this issue before as long as the width is correct the height shouldn't matter as long as the monitor is above the said panels height Also the sensor panel size is wrong, your sensor panel size as stated by the file itself is being uploaded as "<SPWIDTH>1212.57</SPWIDTH><SPHEIGHT>445.7" So 1212x445...
  2. Having the same issue with this sensor panel, I'm using a 1920x1080 screen the same issue occurs, I tried all the recommended fixes but to no avail.
  3. I would love to use it, looks amazing and is the perfect size ❤️
  4. I would love to use it, looks amazing and is the perfect size ❤️
  5. I Love You! thank you!
  6. I know you've been getting a lot of resize requests, and I'm sorry but I'm going to ask for another ❤️ Can you please do 300x1080 or close to it, I know its a smaller format but I like just having a little sidebar panel, I completely understand if you are done resizing for everyone 😂
  7. Yes, it would also remove the background "trial version" text
  8. Yes you would need to purchase the full version to fix this.
  9. Great edit, good use of space, especially in the top sections.
  10. Nice to see people still getting use out of this, looks good 👌
  11. Designed for 270x1080 I have included each color icon set and background separately so you can mix and match your own colors. Enjoy! Backgrounds_Icons.7z These were edited/made with the expectation that your taskbar is shown, if you hide your taskbar there will be a blank grey area at the bottom of the panel. I will not edit these for you. Feel free to download and edit/resize them yourself. 🙂 Green_Kami.sensorpanel Blue_Kami.sensorpanel Orange_Kami.sensorpanel Purple_Kami.sensorpanel Red_Kami.sensorpanel Yellow_Kami.sensorpanel
  12. Glad to see people are still getting use out of this one, glad you like it...
  13. Love this, thank you for sharing. It reminds me of MSI Afterburner :p
  14. Looks great, good work.
  15. Love the boom arm for the webcam ... If it works it works right
  16. Did we ever get an update to include graphs and gauges? from what I can gather we didn't?
  17. I regularly sit in my room at (30.c) 86.f before I even bother turning an AC on, most people are in big enough rooms where a GPU even at full load will barely even change the ambient temperature, unless you're in a prison sell then it won't really make a difference, also don't go spreading misinformation, a GPU idling at 40.c when its fans are off (Which its designed to do) will not kill it, most GPUs run anywhere from 55.c (131.f) to 75.c (167.f) when under load and air cooled. To be clear again, when the GPU is in its auto fan off mode, which 3000 series NVidia cards ship with by default, they will go all the way up to 45..c (113.f) before the fans kick on, this is normal behavior, don't listen to this guy... I would also like to add that I have built over 15+ PC that all included NVidia 3000 series GPUs all configured from the factory to turn off their fans if below 45.c (113.f) and not a single person has come in crying that its going to kill their card I'm done with conversation, no point in arguing with you uneducated users anymore...
  18. Bruh, how clear does this need to be made, his GPU fans are in zero mode, of course its going to be in the 40s, there is nothing wrong with those temps, that's literally what it's designed to do when the fans are of, it's happened with every card that has a zero fan option, both on AMD and NVIDIA, again, there is nothing wrong with those temps while its in zero mode. There is also a good chance that it's not boosting down its clocks due to either an NVIDIA setting or simply because he could be playing a YouTube video, which will also cause it to heat up when in zero mode, even my 3070 idles at 40.c with zero mode on and that's with idle clocks in a Corsair 750D Airflow. Idle temps with room at 27.c (80.6f) - 5H3O2Fz.png (1915×1033) (imgur.com)
  19. Ah ok, fair enough, for me I see what his picture showed on the daily for my rig, 10070k/3070 in a Corsair 750D Airflow case, the GPU usually sits around 40.c to 45.c and CPU is usually around 30.c at idle.
  20. I would like to point out that most cards these days have a auto fan off, by default most of them have it enabled, the fans usually don't turn on until 45.c...
  21. Just rename the .1a2e506148126c871ef1267b38e6ff3b to .sensorpanel there are quite a few that are named in a similar fashion.
  22. Page 147 at the bottom
  23. Looks amazing, would love you for sharing it if possible <3
  24. Edited for my needs/wants, original from @philipfreire Designed for 1920x1080... Orange-HotSpot-(NZXT-Customised-V2).sensorpanel Oragne-(NZXT-Customised-V2).sensorpanel Green-HotSpot-(NZXT-Customised-V2)_.sensorpanel
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