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Jon Evans

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Everything posted by Jon Evans

  1. Thanks for the reply. Tried making the resolution higher on both axis. Didnt make a difference unfortunately Currently using Chrome in Kiosk mode which works. Would prefer your lighter option though
  2. Hi I have a 480x1920 monitor I currently have plugged into the host device. In the process of moving that to another location and using another PC. Your app is working great. One little niggle I have.. the scroll bars are visible. Any way of hiding these?
  3. Wow, these look amazing. I just need to convert to 1920x1080 !
  4. Will you share?
  5. Blue version of my 1920x1080 panel; inspired by @ThatManOnTheMoon Using an Android STB running Remote Panel and Odospace Plex panel blue v2.oslcd
  6. Hi I had a similar challenge using RemoteSensor. I needed to change the gauges to Arc gauges See my post
  7. A few small updates. Added NET and UPS details and histograms within the bars
  8. I like the look of the Video Card section. Nice and clean
  9. All credit goes to @philipfreire for his Moderno panel. I just tweaked for my needs. Changed the custom gauge to an arc gauge so works as remote sensor. 1920x1080 resolution. Font is Geforce I use a Raspberry Pi 4 and Chromium in Kiosk mode PlexPanelv3.rslcd
  10. Looks so good. I need a 1920x1080 version for my remote display. Fingers crossed someone does the hard work :-) Otherwise thats going on my to do list
  11. PlexBackground-v1.afdesign
  12. Enable RemoteSensor and then just fire up Chrome in Kiosk mode with the IP and port of your PC you want to monitor. I do this with a Raspberry PI plugged into a monitor
  13. Prefer -ise in the UK :-)
  14. Thank you. Like many others, the inspiration came from another panel which was posted here. Original was from @ThatManOnTheMoon
  15. My 480x1920 side panel JonsPlexPanel-v2.sensorpanel
  16. 1920x1080
  17. Sharing a light update to my Plex Panel - including the fix for the bars not showing in the correct location in the editor. Geforce font is used Jons-PlexPanel-1080p-v1.1.rslcd
  18. Merci! I managed to figure it out too :-)
  19. Raspberry Pi 4 connected with Chrome in kiosk mode. 1920x1080 panel to monitor my Plex server I dont know why my horizontal bars show correct on the panel but in the editor are not in the same place. Geforce font Jons-PlexPanel-1080p.rslcd
  20. Only just realised that I can see my UPS data in Aida64 :-) Jons-PlexPanel.rslcd
  21. Here is my resized panel to fit a new 1600x900 monitor. Camera messes with the colours in the picture. Not sure why my horizontal bars show in different positions between the panel designer and reality. Any ideas?
  22. Rescaling started to 1600x900 Plenty of room to add more sensors. 20" monitor connected to a Raspberry Pi 4
  23. Waiting on a monitor to build a simple Raspberry Pi alternative to my 7" Android tablet. Anyone have 1600x900 designs they could share? Will eventually re-scale my current 1024x600 design. Topic search failed me!
  24. Using Odospace on Windows https://apps.odospace.com/RemotePanelSetup.exe and remote panel on Android Remote Panel – Apps on Google Play Once you have Odospace installed and Remote Panel , you configure Aida LCD:
  25. Couple of pics of my Fire Tablets with Odospace. What I particularly like is that they still show when the monitor is off on the PC
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