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  1. I'm not sure on the exact trigger, as I wasn't really paying attention to what I've done over the last couple of days. But some combination of opening/closing the preference pane, and restarting Aida64 has caused most of the values to appear Although not really that important, maybe a button that would cause a polling/re-enumerating step to trigger manually could help? Anyway, thanks for the support on this. Definitely helped me get what I wanted out of the display.
  2. @FieryThanks! It's working perfectly. If anyone else is looking for a solution, the following worked (winreg code modified from Stackoverflow article by Hugo24) import winreg REG_PATH = r"SOFTWARE\FinalWire\AIDA64\ImportValues" def set_reg(name, value): try: winreg.CreateKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REG_PATH) registry_key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REG_PATH, 0, winreg.KEY_WRITE) winreg.SetValueEx(registry_key, name, 0, winreg.REG_SZ, value) winreg.CloseKey(registry_key) return True except WindowsError: return False def get_reg(name): try: registry_key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REG_PATH, 0, winreg.KEY_READ) value, regtype = winreg.QueryValueEx(registry_key, name) winreg.CloseKey(registry_key) return value except WindowsError: return None And then inside your main code, just set the required values, for instance, I'm setting my local temperature to Str6: set_reg("Str6", "{:.0f}".format(temp)) After that you can access via Registry Value Str6 within AIDA64 when configuring the display. @Fiery One question. When I add the registry value sensors, they don't seem to show up on the LCD Items display (preview). However, when I apply, they show up correctly on the LCD Panel. Is this a known defect/limitation?
  3. Cool, sweet. I'll check that out. I should be able to modify my python script to write to the registry instead. Definitely easier to test moving things around / changing fonts / etc.
  4. I was sick of dealing with overlays, so I started exploring using an old Android phone (4.7" 1280x720) as an LCD panel (odospace) using AIDA64 inspired by the various posts I've seen on Reddit over the years. This is my first attempt (obviously inspired by cyberpunk). I built a quick background in photoshop, and worked on setting up the layout. Font is IBM Plex Mono. Top box is FPS | Networking (up/down/totals) | Date | Time | Uptime Left box is CPU based: Clock | Util | RAM Used | Temp | FAN | AIO | Power Next is GPU based: Clock | Util | RAM Used | Temp | FAN1 | FAN2 | Power Next is Disk | System Info | Per CPU Clock | Per CPU Util Right box is Voltage | Temps Bottom box is hostname | some covid stats | weather | WiFi connection speed | external IP The bottom status bar is updating various values using a windows scheduled python script to collect data and write it directly onto the background image (external IP was blanked out from the screencap). Aida64 picks up the image change automatically.
  5. Although not as ideal, I did come up with a workaround that is pretty flexible, although more work to setup and maintain. I wrote a python script that collects the data I want to display, formats it, and then applies the text to my background image (using python-pillow) I made a bat file that loads my venv and runs the python script. Windows Task Scheduler is setup to execute the script every 15 minutes which will updates the image. Aida64 picks up the image change automatically, and it's reflected on my LCD panel. Maybe not the most ideal (or accessible), but it's any idea if anyone else wants to do something similar.
  6. I was wondering if there is some way to import/read data from an external source (say a script/API call) to display on a LCD display? The LCD display is great, and it provides a ton of useful information. But it might be nice to display something like email count, twitter activity, or other external sources of data.
  7. Is it possible to change the NIC rates displayed on external LCDs? Right now the NIC rates are in KB/s, but I would really prefer MB/s given I'm frequently working at the 100+Mbps range, and with KB/s it's not particularly useful. Note, I'm not concerned with dynamically changing the unit. Just statically selecting the one I want to display when I create the layout.
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