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Everything posted by Sonixmon

  1. Hello, This issue just started for me, possibly after some other software updates. I have tried to disable other software (MB, GPU etc.) but it still does not work. If I rename Aida64 folder and do a new install it seems to run ok but none of my panel settings and "not activated" message. I have attached the low level log and my .ini. TIA aida64.ini LowLevelLog.txt
  2. Do you have a 800x480 version of this by chance? Very nicely done!
  3. Will the 3.5 and 5 Inch panels work in the vertical orientation with templates or require custom graphics? TIA
  4. Updated and rebooted, low and behold the PCH fan is there. I am missing a couple of temps but I think they are the ones that don't have sensors installed yet. They are listed as N/A in ASUS Suite. I ordered the sensors so when they come in and I hook them up I am hoping they show up. There is something in HWINFO labeled as temp9 stuck at 50c but doesn't match any readings in AIDA64. No idea what that could be unless it is reading something wrong. Thanks for the support!
  5. I recently upgraded my system with the subject X570 board. Most things seem to work but I am missing the PCH fan and a few temps that show in Asus Suite III and HWinfo. I would love to see additional support added for this board. Let me know if I can provide any additional information that might help!
  6. I have this same issue with an ASUS X570, also missing a few temps!
  7. Unfortunately I had this same issue with Corsair. Also could not control the RGB from my MB. I ended up switching to an ASUS cooler (more expensive but compatible). Anyway now I can get fan speeds fine but the ASUS cooler apparently doesn't support water temp readings which is kind of a bummer (I did like seeing water temps). I plan to add three temp sensors (air in, air out and ambient case air temps).
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