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Takis Arsenis

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  1. Just install the SP u want to use it's gauge once, so all assets can be copied in your SP file and then revert back to your original SP.., now when u want to customize your gauge, u will find the new gauge's files and replace them..and btw u should have 16 segments..!
  2. I am a noob at this..,so i only know Aida64 SP.., although no matter what other software u may use.., u will end up to HAVE to use a photo editing suite like PS.., if u want to venture in the world of creations.., i have a post with my SP in page 84.., along with some tutorial videos on how to make your own gauges.. Tbh.., Aida is great and i c no reason to try anything else.., as u can c in here.., you are limited only by your imagination..(ok and by lack of Photoshop use)..!! If u do decide to try it out.., be prepared to invest a few nights.., but in the end u will be rewarded.., by the downloads u r gonna get when u post your job in here..!!
  3. Clean built mate..!.., kudos for that.., all u have to do now is move those pesky pump cables down under the pump in-out pipes and hide em behind the GPU..!!
  4. If all fails.., u can try to use any custom sensor panel posted in here-as long as it fits in size- and just modify it..
  5. Great job mate..!
  6. Loox like the creator of the SP choose to do that, so the text can be modified separately.., in this case u can't do nothing.., since is generic in Aida64.., u have to move both items manually.., if u find something u can't move at all.., means is embedded in the template..and from then on u need PhotoShop knowledge.
  7. Good job mate..!!
  8. For the brave ones who want to try and make their own gauges..! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ_1fEKBQ0s http://www.allreadable.com/b1918Uon
  9. Just a silly simple 3in1 800x480 sensor panel. All u need is in the panel manager.., just hide and unhide the sensors. https://prntscr.com/10eta3s https://prntscr.com/10et8yu https://prntscr.com/10et7wd 800x480 3 in 1.sensorpanel Photoshop can be a bitch.., esp if u have no clue-like me-how it worx.., but with a lil Google help u can really do miracles.., and as a wise PS u-tuber says.., "master the tools.., not the answer..!"
  10. That's what i thought..!.., thank u 4 your reply..!
  11. Hey all, Is there a way i can add more states in a custom sensor panel gauge..? Ty in advancex
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