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Vincent Chuah

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  1. can share me the 2560x1440 sensor panel please ??
  2. possible to share your sensor panel file please ?
  3. can you share it please thanks
  4. thx so much bro
  5. can you share it please to vincentchuah6596@gmail.com thanks
  6. please share thx
  7. can share please ?
  8. what is the resolution?
  9. what is this resolution ?
  10. Please share when you work is done ...I love it!
  11. This is looking so great! I'd like a copy please, your gauges are literally the best contact: vincentchuah6596@gmail.com
  12. this template still under progress, not yet fully complete.
  13. can put fps on the center top area
  14. thx so much
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