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Vincent Chuah

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Everything posted by Vincent Chuah

  1. can share me the 2560x1440 sensor panel please ??
  2. possible to share your sensor panel file please ?
  3. can you share it please thanks
  4. thx so much bro
  5. can you share it please to vincentchuah6596@gmail.com thanks
  6. please share thx
  7. can share please ?
  8. what is the resolution?
  9. what is this resolution ?
  10. Please share when you work is done ...I love it!
  11. This is looking so great! I'd like a copy please, your gauges are literally the best contact: vincentchuah6596@gmail.com
  12. this template still under progress, not yet fully complete.
  13. can put fps on the center top area
  14. thx so much
  15. what small monitor is that ? wher to purchase it ?
  16. can share the download link ?
  17. possible to share your sensor panel download link?
  18. finally got the chance to download the theme create by you. just hope that you also can share the ZERO V2 1920X480 for me to download also. this is my email : vincentchuah6596@gmail.com
  19. thx so much for the sharing
  20. can share 1920x480 sensorpanel please?
  21. possible to share the link to download this ?
  22. Can you share a link to this work?
  23. I would love a copy of this.
  24. mind share yours please thx
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