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Everything posted by asendedazn

  1. i do but when i have time since I'm working again working on the rainbow panel for your new panel almost done

  2. here you go 800x1280 BW.sensorpanel Fonts.zip
  3. 515 x 1920 B&W Panel 515 x 1920 BW.sensorpanel Fonts.zip
  4. 515 X 1920 Panel Blue Panel 515x1920.sensorpanel Geforce Font.zip
    1. bent98


      thanks, I figured out how to resize :)



    2. Stevecorwing25


      how do u resize it?


    3. Enwi


      Bro can u share this one but for 1080x1920? Ready to pay smth :DD

  5. here you go rainbow frame


    Sensor Panel Frame 2 RGB.png

    1. bent98


      I saved it as png and its not coming out the correct size of my panel.



    2. asendedazn


      what size is your panel?

      i can redo it

    3. asendedazn


      can you send my the sensorpanel file ifile i can fix it in there

  6. ROG Panel 600x1024 Font.zip ROG.sensorpanel 1024x600 ROG 1024x600.sensorpanel
  7. here is the font for the vertical dark rainbow panel i forgot to include it



    1. richard45


      thank you it's cool ;)

  8. heres a 480x800 panel thanks to the original poster 480x800.sensorpanel
  9. red gold version of @GIGABYTE82 panel thanks @GIGABYTE82 MSI_Controlv2.sensorpanel
  10. here is a dark 1200x640 thanks @bent98 1200x640.sensorpanel heres the 640x1200 portrait version @richard45 640x1200.sensorpanel
  11. here you go all done



    sensorpanel rainbow v1.06.sensorpanel

    1. bent98
    2. bent98


      I think at this point is done. I really want to thank you for helping me. I couldnt have done it without you.


      Happy Holidays!

    3. bent98


      I think at this point is done. I really want to thank you for helping me. I couldnt have done it without you.


  12. here you go all done you just got to fix up liqiud temp and aio pump to your system and it will be done cause i dont have those settings on my system

    sensorpanel rainbow v1.0.sensorpanel

    1. bent98



      I Just realized, i dont have any room to put my Case Fans so I was thinking to make the MBtemp/Liquid temp border extended like the cosair memory one. I enclosed a pic.


      1) Can you make the Motherboard picture slighly smaller so that the bottom lines up with the liquid bubble bottom? This will mean you probably have to adjust the sensor bar you made that goes into pCI slot

      3) Change the sensor panel frame.png to look like the mock up enclosed.

      4) Ill have enough room to add the fan graphics in the space that you extend the boarder.I will need you to make the  rainbow sensor guage for the CASE FAN RPM narrower so it doesnt hit boarder. I Im not sure yet how to position the fan i con vs the case fan gauge.

      Ive attached the latest version of the panel




      rainbow snip.png

      sensorpanel rainbow v1.06.sensorpanel

  13. okies you can give me it if you want i get to it when i can

    1. asendedazn


      here you go man all done i changed everything you asked for you just have to fix the liquid temp and aio pump gauge cause i dont have those temps i changed the colours of the graphs so it suited the colours as well

      here is the file


      sensorpanel rainbow v1.0.sensorpanel

    2. bent98


      I am very grateful for your help. I you would be so kind to make 1 final adjustments this should be complete.

      - The Liquid for temp graphic its awesome. Can you please make the outline of the water drop thinner (half thickness and also remove the outline all together on the moon shaped reflection inside the water bubble?

      - Please make the asus ROG Rainbow logo 10% smaller

      Ill attach the latest version


      Thank you!!!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bent98
    3. bent98
    4. bent98


      I just spent day updating your changes. Please use this as most up to date.

      please take a look at attached screenshot.

      These changes should make it final. I really appreciate your help!!!

      1) The small bars to the right are a little too small. can you please make them slightly wider and a tad thicker to correspond with the text? Its the 0 150 15- 15 pngs

      2), Can you please make a rainbow box graphic gauge  to fit inside motherboard pci slot?

      3) can you please resize rainbow asus graphic in center smaller to fit better for its position

      4) the Liquid for temp graphic its awesome. Can you make it so there is a thin boarder around it the water drop image? It gets lost a little against the white background. (water.png 0-15)

      5) can you tell me what RGB colors are similar to ones in the rainbow bar? I'd like to use those exact colors in the utilization graphics.


      rainbow final.png

      sensorpanel rainbow v1.0.sensorpanel

  14. WIP what do you guys think
  15. Thanks @Velkus My 1080x1920 version of @Velkus Aorus panel Aorus RED MOD.7z
  16. Thanks @Como_Stella for the original Clean White RGB Panel here is my vertical version of it 480x1920 Clean White RGB 480x1920.zip
  17. Heres the 1024x600 RoboCop Panel @GOSERVANT RoboCop 1024x600.zip
  18. Xmas Panel 480x1920 @bibbi2021 Xmas Panel.zip
  19. go into the aida64 folder on your computer then sensorpanel folder copy gauges and background to different folder and edit it in photoshop, gimp etc. to change values on sensorpanel - load sensorpanel with aida64, after loaded right click on sensorpanel, go to sensorpanel manager and modify from there
  20. here you go a RoboCop 87 version @shortshins RoboCop 87 600x1024.sensorpanel
  21. heres a RoboCop Panel 600x1024 @shortshins RoboCop 600x1024.zip
  22. yes you can you can make the set the transparency to 0% or what ever percent in the sensorpanel settings in aida to not show background color
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