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  1. Nice work could you share?
  2. Here is my first attempt. Fairly close recreation of NZXT Cam. All you should need to scale is in the rar file. Feedback appreciated! Apologies for the audio in the video. Forgot to switch off so game sounds can be heard. Panel is 1280x800 utopiate_sensorpanel.rar
  3. Looks sweet! what font and colours aere you using?
  4. Looks sweet, what font and colours are you using?
  5. So I am stuck! I would like to use custom gauges for my sensorpanel but both sensorpanel and remotesensor do not support this. I am using a 10in windows tablet to display my info. I can use an android tablet with remote panel app which does support custom gauges but it is a small tablet and I'm getting older and can't see the info clearly so really need to use the 10in windows tab. Is there any other method for sending info to this tablet and have custom gauge support? Maybe just through USB? Any help truly appreciated as been at this for a long time now lol.
  6. As I'm using my Nexus 7 tablet I've been looking for some 1920x1200 templates but couldn't find any under search. Anyone have this? Many thanks
  7. Hi all, first post here. I'm attempting my first sensor panel displaying on an old nexus 7 tablet. However GPU info is not listed in sensor panel manager. I go to add new and its simply not listed? Any ideas? N.B Loving some of the panels here..really creative! RESOLVED
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