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Pneuma22 last won the day on November 1 2021

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  1. BRUH MY QUESTION STILL REMAINS: How doesnt tha turn your computer room into a sauna? A GPU idling at over a 110° when my gpu gets that hot the room its in gets hot as well thats my point! There has to be a way to turn the fans on at a different temperature. Essentially your saying its ok that your computer makes your computer room 10° hotter than the surrounding rooms! Thats absurd, you literally need a window unit constantly running in the same room to offset those temeratures which is where this starts to get crazy my home already has a huge central air unit and I shouldnt be needing to chill down a single room b/c of a computer im not running a server farm here! Thats my point and you can bring down those temperatures with a couple of simple fixes. Fan direction based on case and thermal pads and good thermal compound. You as a consumer shouldnt think that those temperatures are normal. They're giving you crap and youre loving it! If this is considered normal its no wonder so many GPU's have been dying...
  2. Completey agree with this guys response something doesnt seem normal about those idle temps. Seems really hot to me... Granted I dont run a stock gpu, my 3080 has an ek fe block on it. Though that wasn't always the case I did run a stock 3080 for months before I took the plunge b/c my computer room was a sweat box. Right now my gpu never gets above a 110°F, currently sitting at 78°F and to get it to 110°F I litterally have to play nms on 1440p for 10 hours without stopping. Idle temp is around 5° over ambient. With idle temps out of your gpu like this how doesnt that turn your computer room into a sweat-box? Whats your gpu temps when youre playing games? Sounds to me like A. something may be wrong with the way you have your fans setup, or B. The case you have this gpu in, has very poor airflow?
  3. Yeah no worries It's actually alot easier than you think but I get it the adobe software in itself is overwhelming when you start out. There are several plugins that auto generate these redgiant universe and LoadUP! script from aescripts. Really you can get both of them over at forum.cgpersia.com if you wanted. No need to really know the sw its more point and click and they autogenerate. Red Giant univserse has a catalogue built into the plugin that you pick different loading rounds or loading bars hud elements all kinds of stuff. Just a suggestion...
  4. John please show us how you mounted it to your monitor thats what I want to see? It looks incredibly clean and like you ran all the cable on the back of the screen? Can you take a shot from the back of your setup for us? It looks sick and in the one image it almost looks like there is some sort of arm device under it but i think that may just be something behind it that is sort of taking that shape even though its not which is why I ask? Oh and if that isn't the case how did you get it secured to the side of your screen bezel like that?
  5. Ok that I can help with, one sec. This is a general round loading round tutorial in after effects: https://www.google.com/search?q=loading+progress+round+after+effects+tutorial&ei=56uGYdioOJjNytMPlZO1qAg&oq=loading+progress+round+after+effects+tutorial&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEM0COgcIABBHELADSgQIQRgAUMAIWMAIYKISaAFwAngAgAFDiAFDkgEBMZgBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwiYuM7kkoT0AhWYpnIEHZVJDYUQ4dUDCA4&uact=5#kpvalbx=_76uGYeK0N_6DytMP3IeLGA24 One little tip for tutorials always make them your own: your own colors your own sizes shapes etc just so it doesnt look like that exact tutorial which if you look closer is how many many of these sensorpanels on these forums were made using this exacxt tutorial b/c the people that did the tutorial didnt change anything about the loading round so it literally looks identical to some of the rounds i've seen on here recently aside from maybe the colors. So just try and make it yours when you do it otherwise its going to look like you copied someone elses sensorpanel on here even though they also copied that tutorial lol... This is a tutorial for a progress loading bar in after effects... https://www.google.com/search?q=loading+progress+rounds+after+effects+tutorial&oq=loading+progress+rounds+after+effects+tutorial&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i299.7787j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_56uGYdioOJjNytMPlZO1qAg31 These two are generally what youre going to see in most setups unless they do a really detailed animation with multiple moving parts which is absolutely not easy inside of 15 frames which is why you rarely see anything else but these lol. You may also need this just for learning basic keyframes, which is literally sort of how ae or vegas animation works.https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+set+keyframes+in+after+effects&oq=how+to+set+keyframes+in+&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i512l8.3255j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 If you need any help with the rendering settings I can come back and post a tutorial for that also if you need it, or you can look up how to render in after effects with png sequence.
  6. Just a tip actual vfx software(software made for animations) is much better for shape manipulation. Anyone who says different has no idea what they are talking about. All adobe software can be trialed for 1 month no issues and if you like it go on aliexpress or ebay and buy a year for a few dollars. Its that simple and it costs less than 5$. You really cant beat it. You can get the master collection for 20$ or less so yeah it may be possible to do in GIMP or an online photoshop but its not going to be easy thats for sure as those software werent designed with animation or moving shapes images etc in mind. They were designed to edit stills, even if they do have gif editing capabilites. So after effects or sony vegas these "loading rounds" that are extremely extravagant can be created and rendered inside of 5 minutes. Just b/c its what the software was built to do.
  7. Looks like a rip of the jarvis rainmeter to me. And for size specific screens especially ones that are off sizes like 515 youre going to need to edit yourself as its not exactly a 1920x480 screen which is more common. Just a stretch of the bg and move the stuff you need to into the dead center and then move the other pieces around the bg your resized.
  8. Yes I can I'm really setting myself a deadline It's almost finished I'm just working on the background right now as I used someone elses just to position things but I'm making my own and I have another asset I made last night for it some of you may like. I'm trying to get it done tonight but if I cant it will for sure be done by next weekend.
  9. Made these for my panel as its not finished yet I figured I'd share the loading rounds I made for it in after effects. Making these is fairly easy in after effects. So yeah I'll post the after-effects file if anyone is interested. I'll post my sensor panel when I'm done. It's just taking me like a year to make lol. So... I figured I'd post these so others could use them as well. Enjoy
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