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philipfreire last won the day on July 18 2023

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About philipfreire

  • Birthday 07/01/1986

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    Toronto, ON

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  1. Colors are coming soon! You can see a preview on the main page of the website.. just scroll down. Stay tuned!
  2. Hello, Surprise! For the ladies out there. Download: https://moderno.freire.ca/
  3. Hello, Surprise! A first for the Moderno collection; the Hello Kitty Sensor Panel. For a limited time only, get your Hello Kitty sensor panel! This theme will surely put a smile on the ladies faces out there looking for a pink theme for their desktop/workspace. Enjoy and stay tuned for more color variations coming to the collection in the near future! https://moderno.freire.ca/
  4. At the moment, no. But its something I can work on in future updates.
  5. New product update! You've all been asking for this... Moderno Collection v1.1 Update Now supporting multiple aspect ratios and display resolutions! Learn more and download at: moderno.freire.ca
  6. Moderno Collection v1.1 Update Now supporting multiple aspect ratios and display resolutions! Learn more and download at: moderno.freire.ca
  7. Thank you Fredov87. You can customize it to display anything you like - say you dont want to see RPMs or load, you can change it to voltage or anything you prefer. Just take some time to tinker around with the software. Enjoy!
  8. I've rebranded the Moderno Mk.I to the Moderno Collection and included two new color schemes. Moderno Mk.I has now become Moderno Classico. Two new additions include the Moderno Bianco & Moderno Nero. Along with that, I have redesigned the website and the new link - https://moderno.freire.ca/ I have also started a blog for announcements, future product updates, etc. - https://moderno.freire.ca/blog/
  9. HI everyone! I've rebranded the Moderno Mk.I to the Moderno Collection and included two new color schemes. Moderno Mk.I has now become Moderno Classico. Two new additions include the Moderno Bianco & Moderno Nero Along with that, I have redesigned the website and the new link - https://moderno.freire.ca/ I have also started a blog for announcements, future product updates, etc. - https://moderno.freire.ca/blog/
  10. Thank you for your feedback. I will work on a 1024x600 retrofit for a future release!
  11. I will consider this for a future update. What are the most popular sizes people want to see? Thanks for your feedback.
  12. That's perfectly fine! In the future I may get a wide screen panel and retro fit it.
  13. It's a remake of my panel in 2021... NZXT Theme themely's stuff is similar yes, in terms of modern clean design. I don't see a panel that looks like mine though. Gauges & layouts are completely different. Very nice stuff!
  14. It can be adapted to 800x480 but you would have to rescale all the artwork and redo the layout in AIDA64. You can attempt it yourself or best option is to pick up a monitor that can scale up to a higher resolution.
  15. Released today. Enjoy! Download Moderno Mk.I Sensor Panel Follow thread here
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