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Everything posted by Velkus

  1. rinaldop Thank you for your help and your time my friend !!! It's not nothing to worry, i will to do and some changes and everything is good !!! Im really i appreciate you !! Have a good continuation! S.P
  2. Hi Rinaldop, I have noticed that the temps are only high at idle with Aida on. When I have opened applications such as premiere Photoshop Spotify and others and the computer is doing some processes the temperatures are high and in both cases open or closed Aida are the same .. So only in idle Mode I have a 10c to 15c difference. Image 1 AIDA "Close" - Play Video From Premiere and Spotify. Image 2 AIDA "Open" - Play Video From Premiere and Spotify. Image 3 Aida Open Rendering Video From Premiere and Play Spotify.
  3. Done ! Yours! Amd Beast Orange.sensorpanel
  4. Oh Ok !! when im back to home ill do some test!!
  5. Ok ill !! But im sorry i dont understand, What test to running .>> ? Stress test >?? For the panel they said the fixed but i have the last version and this happened with old version, so why i have this issue with graphics >> ?? And the truth is I didn't have such issues before ... Thank you Rinaldop!
  6. Not really 😛 That was for one moment the temps play from 49 to 55 and the normal temps without aida is 39-43 😊 I love it and im not changing it, i only doing updates and add some graphics sometimes !! Its came to stay !😄 1080 i will guys, but this days im not at home. Next week im back and i will upload it !! Thank you all !! 😃
  7. I did this test and yes when i closed the panel the temps they went down from 50-53c to 39-40c. So is from the panel the temps ...??? P.S The HWmonitor is worst the temps they jump to 60-65c... Watch the image i have very good temps in my pc and with Aida i can't have it.. \ I don't care for the WHmonitor im not using all the time, but the aida is always open...
  8. So my friend i realize one more weird thing.. When i open and the HWMonitor (Last Update) the temps jump from 40c to 65c for long time until to close the app, so its not from Aida.. i can see this from iCue the temps jumps up... But i didn't had this problem before 10 15 days everything it was good.. i can't understand...
  9. I did already the same time with disabling EC .. Is 3% Because is idle, nothing running only the Aida is open and 2-3 apps on the background. I’ll do and the test with no sensor panel and the other app you told me and I’ll tell you the results. Thank you !
  10. I did all your tips but with no luck still i have hi temps.. See The image with my options and didn't lose the Sensor .. Update: Without aida running this is the low temp i have.
  11. I will see all this things and ill come back with results !! Thank you for your help Rinaldop! 🙂
  12. Thank you for your respond !! The Temperatures i identified with 2 Apps 1) Corsair iCue 2) HWmonitor all the apps Showing the Same temps.. With this apps the temps is normal. When i tried to open the Aida the temps Jump Up and all the apps they have the same hi temps.. Maybe the Aida is "Heavy" app and the cpu need more Power ?? I dont know... Its not normal i think.. Only the CPU has hi Temps not the GPU, the GPU Stay low around 40c no changes.. 4070 Ti Super.
  13. Hi all I know this question has been asked before but I couldn't find a solution or figure out why it happens.. When I run the app Aida from 40-43c idle situation my temps jump to 48-55c and they stay there and if I’ll open Firefox jump 50-63c. When i close the app the temps they return to normal… Can somebody to tell me why this happened? And the think is I purchased for two years license.. 😞 Thank you in advance! My Specs: Corsair iCUE 5000X Aurus x570 Ultra Ryzer 5950X iCue 150i Elite 10 Fans: 6 <- Intricate 4 -> Exhaust
  14. Oh ... So ill not try to install the beta and we have to waiting the official Version maybe ...
  15. You install the beta version?
  16. Always i like this!! Nice & Clean
  17. Hi Fiery!! I have bought the Aida and i want to see my corsair's fans (Corsair H150i RGB) ... Is safe to install (overwrite existing files) the Version: 6.60.5939 beta? i don't want any surprises .. Thank you in advance!!
  18. 1080
  19. SPIROS 2.sensorpanel
  20. It's Not Mine but i did some changes ... Thank you for this Share ! 1920x1080 _______________________________________________ Aorus-Customised(3).sensorpanel
  21. Edited for my needs/wants, original from @philipfreire Thank you !
  22. Great Thank you!!!!
  23. Just WoW!!! Can you share Please!
  24. Thank you for your share !! What Font you used ??
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