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Filipe Alves

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Everything posted by Filipe Alves

  1. no i didn't make those panels, they are given upon buying barrowch lcd's, and i agree with you on thanking and giving the credits to those who create and put their personall time into it. but the way you behave is not correct in my opinion (and it's just my opinion), this should be a place of sharing works and tought's. i myself i ain't good with design progs but i'am good with electronics, but that doesn't mean i won't replay to anyone that seeks help in the little i know.
  2. you are an old fart indeed, why take time coming here if you don't wanna share, better change the name of this topic to gallery or exibition. not that i like your panels or need it but your atitude is lame
  3. your my hero
  4. np, happy to help
  5. 1-Enable RemoreSensor LCD Support 2-Import the panel you wish 3-open a browser like chrome or microsft edge or etc... and type: localhost:80 (this can be donne on any device connect inside your network like a cell phone or table where you can open a browser page)
  6. i smell the division lol, they look great bro
  7. hmmm have you set the right resolution (1920x480) on Aida64? i uploaded the fonts too now and a tutorial for it, see if it helps. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjF8jsZUZbGxm0Hpv1_wvQNhtNSH?e=akkrlJ
  8. would be cool if there was somewhere to host the filesn like a gallery
  9. Sorry to bother bro, but can you share the font you used? thx
  10. looks very cool, can you share it plz, also if you got the background image to edit would be great since i got the fluid temp in a flow meter
  11. got some for 1920x480, they don't serve me as i use 600x1024. Fonts and gauges you can download from here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjF8jsZUZbGxm0Hpv1_wvQNhtNSH?e=cYfqWX enjoy. 2021-03-11-3_sensorpanel.6225769714529211bf7c53813ea377a4 2021-03-06-CH.sensorpanel 2021-03-06-CH-quan.sensorpanel 2021-03-11-1_sensorpanel.184f3d1db244d46ee54a4522fe70c86c 2021-03-11-2_sensorpanel.55c41378fcefe3f5c37eeec8c6287c7c
  12. hi, yea i figued it out, i had to enable erp on the bios. any way thanks
  13. I managed to figure it out, had to enable the S5 state. any way thx
  14. I got a rog board I saw something to disable USB ports, but i’am not sure if is completely or only when shutdown
  15. Maybe a stupid question, but how to make the lcd turn off when the computer shutdown, it still stays powered be the USB port. thx
  16. i understand, already agreeing to it sounds awsome, take your time bro. i'am still finishing my computer build, when it's ready i intend to try make one by my own, till then yours looks beautiful and i think it would fit nicely on my theme. thanks. https://1drv.ms/v/s!AjF8jsZUZbGxmzZXK98ykf6rRhhO?e=Vsw5tY
  17. hey worlak, is it possible to convert it to 600*1024 (vertical) please? thx
  18. It's going well, looks very cool
  19. you think is possible to get this theme in 600x1024 (vertical)? can you share the files please?
  20. what extension is this? also is it for zero v2 panel?
  21. any one have a black/red theme in the format of 600*1024? thanks
  22. he only share by PM, but it's impossible to pm him, i wanted it too. filipealves@hotmail.com
  23. i tried but it keeps saying you can't receive messages
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