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Everything posted by Dsp21

  1. Always! I apologize for spamming the same sensor over and over I changed some things around. The CPU Utilization numbers on the top are now 16 small bars. GPU Hotspot moved to the right, Disks section was remade, etc, etc. Enjoy! 2023-02-19Dsp211024x600.sensorpanel
  2. New version of the RAM section and GPU, moving VRAM to the RAM slot, let me know what you think!
  3. Hey, welcome to the forum! I'm not sure this will work for you but it did for me for another extension type, so most files will be .sensorpanel. For a while I used an old phone which used .osdlcd or something like that, so to import them between panel types all I did was exchange the extension type on the files. Try it out and you may get lucky, good luck!
  4. Gabriel202 Clean White RGB 1024x600.rar
  5. Thank you, timings isn't a bad suggestion, will look into it soon, as a placeholder I have the RAM voltage. On some older panels I used to put vram next to the ram as it cleans up gpu space and fills ram space. I will try both options when I get some time! Really appreciate the feedback!
  6. Hey guys, I need some of your Photoshop expertise. I've done this sort of work before but the gradient is what I'm struggling with. llidd's gauge, the original one, only has 10 "steps", as you know AIDA64 uses 16, can someone recreate it to have the correct amount of source images? Thank you 180x180 llidd Gauge.7z
  7. A bit off-topic but I made this Arctic Liquid Freezer pump, feel free to integrate it into your sensor panels if you own one of these guys! Dsp21 Arctic Pump.ai
  8. My current panel at the moment, I need suggestions on how to make it better (I finally got one of those Raspberry Pi screens! ) 1024x600 Really hate that blank spot on the RAM section but I also don't want to put tons of irrelevant information in there. Font is https://www.dafontfree.io/bahnschrift-font/ Thank you guys for the amazing designs you have posted over here, it really inspired me to create these panels and get better at them slowly o7 Credits: The Fan gauge was made by llidd Dsp212023-02-16.sensorpanel
  9. New version of my previously posted panel, now with more of a brushed aluminum approach to it. Still figuring out where to put Motherboard temps in case they are even relevant, I can share the RAM stick and the gauge of the LED strip if anyone would like, would love feedback! Cheers
  10. Stellar work, I love the simplistic design against the colored accents, amazing! Would you share your gauges in their original sizes? I'd love to use the RAM and GPU ones especifically
  11. Hey everyone, it's been a while. Still messing with sensorpanel designs, this is my latest one, still WIP but if anyone would like to try it for themselves, go ahead! Resolution is 720x1280 Bahnschrift-Font-Family.zip 2022-10-31HUAWEI-720p.oslcd
  12. Not sure I have this one around anymore but here's what I got: It's the vertical version of my current panel Dsp21 Panel Final Vertical.psd 2021-09-06 V.oslcd
  13. Been using this one at the moment with my little tablet, a lot of inspiration from other screens I have seen, hopefully I'll keep improving this little guy!
  14. This is looking so great! I'd like a copy please, your gauges are literally the best contact: diogopenha21@gmail.com
  15. Not exactly Sensor Panel related but since I have been searching for some really nice icons for my panel, I couldn't find one for the RTX3070, so I have created a RTX3070 icon if anyone wants to use one, I really like the "S" design of the card so I thought of making it as a simple white-line icon to use on panels. I'm not an expert with Illustrator but it was enough to make these simple designs, if anyone wants to improve them feel free to! Here you go There's some slight differences on each version, so you can freely choose the design you like the most, I know the PCI slot part is pretty terrible but when resized I think it will be fine! Dsp21 RTX3070 Icons.aiDsp21 RTX3070 White Icons.zip
  16. Thank you! That's a really cool trick, here's a new version with shadows DoomPanel Dsp21 2021-08-31.oslcd
  17. DoomPanelPSD.psd
  18. DooM.ttf 2021-08-26 DoomPanel 1024x600.oslcd
  19. This option does not appear on my end, which is odd, I can add it to static labels though. I'll look into it later on, might be a bug or something.
  20. Thank you, I'll search it up!
  21. My new Wip! It's turning out amazing on my little tablet, Doomguy is animated and changes his face almost each second haha, I intend on adding more fake gauges to create a dynamic theme. I'll share it once it's complete Is it possible to use Shadow on the Simple sensor items?? It would look way better.
  22. Had this thought for a panel of using the motherboard as the center piece, the heart of the PC, but I feel like it's not coming out as I'd imagine so I'm still testing new ideas and what not, any suggestions would be awesome to improve this one! Thank you!
  23. All sensor panels shared on this thread are now archived! Please read the original post for more information. I am not claiming the names on the files as panels created by these people, just who posted them, if you feel like your work is being misused or you don't want it shared, please let me know and I'll make another file! Contains approximately 500 Sensor panels! Most with the required fonts included in zip files, etc Mega Link: https://mega.nz/file/w9kCUTKa Decryption key: OtQpHJQ-KDI56yNk7V-kdVWs685PerOWKOIFpqjuC7c Thank you everyone for all the edits and your hard work, I saw so many awesome design while browsing the forums, everyone is just super talented. Enjoy! EDIT1: New WIP, organizing the HBars, VBars and Gauges to quickly find one with the size you're looking for, starting to look like something useful!
  24. Ever since this was suggested, I started to work on it, but it's a gargantuan task and it takes a lot of time, I'm down to page 51 at the moment. Will keep going slowly, every poster is credited in the name file, only panels with an image attached are added, some weren't available anymore, I hope this helps newcomers when looking for assets to use! This is just to collect all the work shared, my intent is only to help and not to profit of anything, if anyone doesn't want their panel on this compilation you can let me now, I respectfully won't add it. Cheers! Contains all sensor panels shared on the forum until January 2021: https://mega.nz/file/g4lyia5K Unlock key: YROgQxGM0JiZ8sDytUGQ8yyfD2EOedfYMFmyVXSD4d8 Happy monitoring! EDIT: Now caught up to page 100! Will sort out an updated file soon EDIT2: Caught up to this post!!!
  25. This actually, it would be really nice! Maybe a simple shared dropbox address where everyone could upload their stuff
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