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murdrrdbypirates last won the day on November 24 2021

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About murdrrdbypirates

  • Birthday 04/16/1969

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  • Location
    Bielefeld, Germany
  • Interests
    3D Printing, tinkering and computers

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  1. Hi Uwe, welche Schriftart benutzt du? Gruß, JAy.
  2. Hi, I just changed the time sensor format to HH:MM. Try it, it should work
  3. Nice... Love it. What Font are you using?
  4. Nice, you've really got me looking forward to this one!! Grüße aus Bielefeld. Jay.
  5. Great panels, thanks for sharing
  6. Hi all, i've been working on some cartoon styled Deathloop themed panels and now that i'm finished I thought i'd post them. The sensor panels are sized 1920x480 Hope you like them. You WILL need the install the font - handelson-two.otf (included in the ZIP). These panels use elements from the original AIDA64 sensorpanel folder (I unfortunately don't know who the original creator is) and custom "loop" gauges that I made in Photoshop - these change from beige/green/orange and red depending on the CPU & GPU temps. DM me to get a link for my panels, I don't want to clutter up this place with unnecessary downloads. Deathloop-JAy-01 Deathloop-JAy-02
  7. http://www.lamptron.com/Products/HardwareMonitor/138.html You're welcome
  8. Just DM'd you the panels
  9. I've Dm'd you with the Cyberpunk panels
  10. Sorry, double post!
  11. Hi all, i've finished the Cyberpunk 2077 themed panels, these are a remixes of @levedog's Boundary and Cyberpunk sensor panels. The sensor panels are sized 1920x480 Hope you like them. You WILL need the install the font - Boge.ttf (included in the ZIP). These panels use elememts from @Exhumed, @levedog and gauges i found in a panel from @miishb79, thanks and credit to those guys for their work. DM me to get a link for my panels, I don't want to clutter up this place with unnecessary downloads. Cyberpunk-JAy-border-gauges-01 Cyberpunk-JAy-border-gauges-02 Cyberpunk-JAy-border-gauges-03 Cyberpunk-JAy-border-gauges-04 Cyberpunk-JAy-border-gauges-05
  12. You're weclome my dude!!
  13. I've just DM'd you
  14. Hi all. I'm going to be doing a run of Cyberpunk 2077 themed panels @ 1920x480 in the next couple of days if anybody is interested. Here's a sample of what they look like. These panels use elememts from @Exhumed, @levedog and gauges i found in a panel from @miishb79, thanks to those guys for their work. The panels are now her if you want them:
  15. I've just DM'd you
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