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Everything posted by johnno23
I did in fact give credit to the true creators that design from the ground up...maybe you missed that part. I also stated that what I made could not be compared to such designs but to find an image that a user likes and adjust the Gauges that others have created to fit is very easy. So it opens the door to even those of us without the skillset that some members have to create something we can enjoy that matches our mindset at that moment in time. A favorite game -weapon or character is easy to Google and the sheer number of Gauges Bars logos etc that are available here in this thread make life very easy. So much so that should a person find a new game or charachter etc the ease of use with AIDA64 makes it a simple project to adjust a sensorpanel to meet ones wishes.
Just wanted to show how easy and powerful AIDA64 really is. I do this as reading comments a lot of people just download ready made sensors. Nothing wrong in that at all as I have downloaded a ton to look at and work out how more experienced members have made their creations. Along with AIDA all one needs is something as simple as 3D paint or if you are adventurous use GIMP. And of course your search engine of choice to gather some images to mess around with. I found an image online which is possibly copyrighted but then again it was on several free to download sites?? So not taking any chances to create problems here is a copy of the original that I cropped to fit a 480 x 1920 screen. With 3D Paint I simply used the rectangular selection tool to make a box around the barrel then the gunsight and finally the center. I wrote down the dimensions on paper then simply one opens the 16 files required for a gauge and each one just copy and adjust size to the dimensions you have written down and save. The entire process took me about 30 minutes and about 3 hours browsing images as I got side tracked by how many awesome images are on the webs. LOL I simply added my MB Logo and the gauges are for CPU T for Temps and GPU. Nothing fancy but simply the basics PLS do not ask for links as this is simply to try and illustrate to people new to AIDA how Cool AIDA 64 is and how it allows one to take just about anything as a back ground and then drop AIDA sensors and gauges onto it. As a side note I have only used AIDA for about 5 weeks and maybe 25 hours in total. That should tell how easy the AIDA64 is to use for both information and fun. And finally my thanks to those that have done countless hours on Custom panels and Gauges in GIMP that I used to work out how to make what I made for personal use. My example cannot compare to what they have built from the ground up but hopefully it helps some that do not really know what they want to create something unique for themselves.
Thank you for the reply Exhumed and info but sadly that option is not the issue. My readings come from say NIC 1 but the sensorpanel manager sees NIC 1 through 6 if I open modify so I have to choose any random NIC to get the bar to show then double back to the correct NIC for the bar graph to show the speeds. Not a big issue for myself as I fix it on the fly but a real pain if someone wanted to download the panel and use it. Many people never truly read anything but look at a picture think Nice and hit the link then I face a situation where I get messaged about something not working LOL. I was thinking to delete the NICs in the root folder to see if that was my issue but not sure if that is the correct approach. ? That might well fix everything my end but other users might also have multiple NICs and then what I have built will give them issues is my concern.
I have been attempting to tweak the panel and added a couple of items that I felt important. There seems to be a lot of talk about the x570 chipset but what i can gather is that many people say around 60c if normal but aida64 just as HWinfo has the ability to also check the internal PCH Diode. That temp is closer to 83c after 2 hours of intensive gaming on a 3440 x 1440 monitor. The good news is that both apps report identical temps for both the chipset in general and also the Diode. So someone as myself that splurges on a new build about every 5-6 years I like to wait for about halfway thru a cycle and then try for the best I can find. So I have the Aorus master x570 rev 1.2 the AMD 5900x and the MSI RTX 3080 Suprim X. got lucky on the GPU as it is not popular because it does not fit in most PC Cases as it is so huge that meant I could pick it up for just a fraction over the MSRP. I also have a full tower BeQuiet Dark Base Pro so the Case is humungous and the card fits without issue. I do use a full custom water loop dual D5 pumps etc so my GPU and CPU temps are pretty comfortable. Just my paranoia on the PCH Diode is hard to keep under control As I reside in Southern China and where I live summer temps hit 40c with ease and today it is still 37c in the shade As people can imagine I do not want to leave performance behind by castrating clocks to reduce heat but at the same time I want my investment to last me at a minimum 4 years. So Aida64 on an external mini screen is perfect for my needs. If temps go crazy I can save shutdown and let components cool off. It also allows me to monitor subtle changes I make in BIOS to find the correct balance of Power-Performace etc. Anyways I have 2 screen shots of the updated version I am working on. My issues hence no upload of the sensor panel right now is the Network NIC. On boot 60% of the time the bar is invisible as in screen shot Capture 1. Capture 2 is simple after entering sensorpanel manager and selecting and alternative NIC then going back to the one that register the Speeds. If anyone can indicate to me to how I solve that irritating issue I will make adjustments and offer the panelsensor for download. I am too inexperienced with the Software to troubleshoot the issue if people like the panel and want it so I would rather wait till the problem is solved.
Its very easy to find a panel you like and then manipulate to the size you want. I installed AIDA64 and it took me about 5 minutes to work out that you need to go to preferences scroll down to the sensor panel and just make the panel larger. Then simply right click on the panel when it is on the screen to select the sensor panel manager. Every item can be selected individually and moved around to suit your needs. I make the panel quite large to move all the elements out the way and then simply google a nice image and in paint3D or similar app simply make it the needed resolution and save to the desktop. Use the manger to import a new image select what you just put on your desktop and now you have your work area. simply move the items into that area and arrange as you like them. Then simply resize the window so that all that extra work space is no longer visible and then use the sensor panel manger to export once finished. Then all your work is saved... Added bonus to this is that you can have a lot of fun with the app.
I am still working on it as I have 2 of the gauges that act a little odd. From left to right the 1st and 5th gauge like to jump between the larger size I created and the original size when values change. They do not do this all the time but often enough to be really distracting. I have spent time trying to work out why even copied over all the images from a working gauge only to have it still act in the same manner. Still learning how to work with AIDA64 so I am unsure if it is a conflict with the original? As I open up new panels from other shared content to look at and work with to see and learn how things are made it seems AIDA imports all the files. When I look at the file location folder it seems to be growing to so I need have to learn how to organize things so that the relevant files for each panel are kept separate. Other than that I have the daunting task of going thru all the files and renaming them individually. Until I sort that out I felt I should not share it as I am not experienced enough to trouble shoot any issues another member might have if they experience the same glitches that I have.
Sifi Grunge posted an awesome work that i was interested in as I use an AMD CPU. Anyways running a 5900x with 12 cores and 24 threads so I borrowed his work and have started building an interface for my yet to arrive 1920 x 480 screen. However here is a screen shot and the cores and threads all work nicely. It is still a work in progress but if anyone else is running an AMD 5900x feel free to grab the relevant parts if useful to you.. The background image is also from someone else but for the life of me I cannot remember who so my apologies for not giving credit where it is due. I am still a noob with AIDA so if the sensor panel manager looks messy when you open it you are welcome to have a laugh. I have not really worked out how to organise it...more a case of if it works and remains visible on screen leave things where they are approach is what I did.. 1358976815_2021-09-26AMD_sensorpanel.8a2580252de03c08524482d5bc65a369
I plundered those awesome gauges and built something for myself with them. Took me ages to work out how to manipulate them to be big enough for my needs. All good fun so I enjoyed myself. this is what I did using your work as a template.
Really like your work. I just ordered a slim 1920x480 ips panel and spent hours on a 3440x1440 screen building a panel only to realize once I had scaled to the actual visual size I would need a magnifying glass to read anything LOL. your template however is clear and easy enough to see the important stuff at a glance. I do have one question though. I would like to use the GPU utilzation gauge but I cannot find the relevant system sensor in the aida sensor panel manager so it is invisible. I can confirm it is there as if I choose a different but incorrect sensor for input it instantly appears. Anyways I thank you for sharing your work as it is so much cleaner than my over complicated attempt at having everything but the kitchen sink become so tiny when dropped to a smaller screen it was unusable.. Live and learn but it was fun PS: I did not look hard enough...GPU Utilzation gauge is now working. I found the correct sensor.
Just wanted to say to you and to many others here thank you for the inspiration and downloads. I am messing around to try and make a useful info panel for myself as I like to keep things running as optimal as I can whilst trying to keep temps and power usage under control. I am not an expert with AIDA but the generosity of the community has given me enough insight and assets to at least try and be creative. At 63 years of age never too old to at least has a bash at something new Thanks again to all the artists here too many to name but after 3 hours of hunting thru the forum I do hope that those that have offered their work never suffer as badly as the Artist who had his work simply snatched and used by a Youtuber for personal gain. NOT COOL. Myself i have snatched several files but they will remain on my PC and be used to try and make something for myself. If I am successful I might upload here and if I do I will of course link where and from whom I borrowed the assets and templates.