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Everything posted by FingersMcSteal

  1. My Last Effort (800 x 480)... brushedmetal001.sensorpanel brushedmetal001.rar
  2. brushedmetal001.sensorpanel brushedmetal001.rar
  3. Made this for a 5" 800x480 screen, basic but has what i needed at the time. The guage items... are all in the ZIP file if anyone wants them, enjoy clean-v1.0.sensorpanel all-items.rar
  4. 5" 800x480 Simple CPU & GPU monitor, liked the font on page 174 here Comes with green or blue lines, my NIC is on NIC2 so you might need to change that for upload & downloads Panel0001.rar
  5. testv1.0.sensorpanel
  6. 5" LCD 800x480, finished but left x3 different backgrounds if you want them. Tr2n.ttf is the font you'll need for this as it is. tronv2.0.sensorpanel Tr2n.ttf
  7. Done this tonight, you will need the font file installed to show temps... tronv1.0.sensorpanel Tron Font.rar
  8. Just give me an idea what you think you'd like on that, i was thinking just CPU & GPU for the moment since its on a 5" screen. I'll contact you again once i get home... stuck on a laptop sitting in a truck right now so can't do alot... my eyefinity baby won't fit in here with me lol.
  9. Mistake with font's... V1.1 Updated... Dialsv1.1.sensorpanel
  10. DialsV1.0.sensorpanel
  11. Just started working on something you might like. I'll post once i get it finished, probably next weekend (work !!!). I'
  12. Just finished this clean-ish setup for a 5" LCD
  13. Obe paneli u menya yest' na etom forume, naslazhdaytes'
  14. Pannel.rar x2 Panels
  15. Done already while i built it up... This is running Heaven demo (I maxed the fans to show the gauges / symbols working). The idea of the guages was if anythings running full red... it's maxed out. If anyone knows the MAX RPM of a Lian Li GALAHAD AIO 360MM HIGH PERFORMANCE RGB CPU WATER COOLER, that would be helpful as mine seems to change its mind alot when i test it lol. Generally the text (pred font) is pretty pointless but just fits into the 'general' theme of things. Made sense to run it down from top to bottom starting with the CPU / GPU's then there various attributes so not to get too confusing. AIO pump guage started out higher up and nearer to the CPU as its pretty much related to that, but once the names started going in i started running out of room fast. Motherboard and VRM i think are ok in there spots for now, maybe re-think its layout later. The black backgroup works much better but i think it just looks a bit bare TBH. I'm thinking if i do a background image / art on it the pred text it needs to stay pure black to show the glow effect of the text.
  16. Version 1 almost done, not sure about the background at the moment.
  17. Had a few issues myself with x3 monitor setup, i did the following... Pulled ALL but 1 monitor lead, turn on and setup 1 then plugged each monitor in 1 at a time. Once i got all 3 detected in NVidia's control panel i set those to act as 1x3 Restarted PC before i plugged the 5" screen in. Kept mine over to top right out of the way. Windows & Nvidia seem to number the displays differently but its working... I Highlight number 2 in WINDOWS display settings to change resolution if i need to.
  18. Decided to start something new, got a feeling this ones going to give me a few problems with translations ! Looks ok on a 5" LCD tho, can't wait to get it finished
  19. Been messing with this today, still on trial version so not everything i wanted but a start...
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