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Everything posted by mrcl

  1. MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE LUCK IN YOUR LIFE AND BE BLESSED!!! Thank you so much, this worked out perfectly fine and was easy to do!
  2. Hey, would there be any chance someone is able to reverse the colors in my sensor panel? Found it here and adopted it to my needs, but I suuuuuuuuck and picture editing and stuff.. I would love to have it with a black background and white texts and bars, etc. Simple White.sensorpanel
  3. Well.. looks like it doesn't do it anymore. I just re-entered my license key and it works so far.
  4. Hi, I have the Issue that my Aida64 Version forces an automatic and immidiate re start, after I close the application. Version: 6.92.6600
  5. I have created my own version out of a well known Panel I've found here. 600x1024 My Sensor Panel.sensorpanel
  6. So currently I am using this one which I found here and adapted it to my "needs". I would be totally happy when the panel is just held in the Tron Theme Colours and not with an image to lose space. What I like to monitor is the following: CPU: Temps / Utilization / Clock Speed / Fan Speed as Gauge preferably / Pump Speed (Gauge) GPU: Temps / Utilization / Clock Speed / Fan Speed as Gauge preferably Ram: Utilization that MIGHT be it for the first... I don't want to be too demanding as you do it in your free time, so I'm very thankful. BW Marcel
  7. Hey, sorry was busy the last days! Thank you so much!!! That looks pretty cool so far! Shall we maybe get in touch somehow to discuss a bit?
  8. Hey guys, I just clicked through almost all sides in this thread and I have to say, there are some really awesome panels around! Great job! I am very new in this game of sensor panels and bought myself a 5" 800x480 Screen. Handling the Aida64 tool is not a problem at all. I would like to build a Tron Legacy theme, matching my RGB but unfortunately, I have no experience in creating graphics with any tool at all. Is there maybe someone willing to help me to realize it? I'd appreciate it with all I have. Cheers Marcel
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