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Lucas S. Bezerra

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Lucas S. Bezerra last won the day on February 22 2022

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About Lucas S. Bezerra

  • Birthday 03/15/1996

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  • Location
    Sao Paulo - Brazil
  • Interests
    3D, CGI, Hardwares and Games

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  1. Hi! I put it on the inside of the case, using double-sided tape, the display I'm using is this: https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/1005001485174459.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2bra&spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.21efcaa4dNnnxX
  2. Thank you very much o/ I couldn't do it in 1920*480, but I can do it in the future!
  3. I made a vertical version of the layout I had developed, I changed the cabinet to a Corsair 5000D and I saw this need 1192981345_CleanVertical.7z
  4. I made a vertical version of the layout I had developed, I changed the cabinet to a Corsair 5000D and I saw this need
  5. Weird that, did you set the resolution of Aida64 to 1024x600 before importing? And I believe it doesn't work even in another resolution, I made this layout thinking about 1024x600, and unfortunately it is not automatically adjustable to other dimensions
  6. I wanted to share with you the interface I developed, it took me a while to organize everything and leave it the way I wanted, I'm sharing the Photoshop file, if you want to change something too, the font used is the Sequel 100 Black Font Family, it's paid , that's why I'm not going to upload it here, but on the internet you can find The interface has a dimension of 1024x600, and it changes color as the PC is being used. Some parameters must be adjusted according to your settings, my motherboard, for example, does not have the RAM v and w sensor, what must also be adjusted are the fans and storage, I hope you like it Sorry about my English. Clean.7z
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