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  1. Just post the file
  2. Took inspiration & templates from this forum. For my 7" inside of the case.
  3. "I'm afraid we still haven't been able to figure out why polling the GPU causes issues in the video driver. We now avoid using any low-level GPU calls on AMD GPUs, but apparently the driver still cannot handle the calls we issue to it and sometimes goes nuts. We believe this issue is a bug in AMD's video driver rather than AIDA64, and so make sure to report it to AMD too." - @Fiery https://forums.aida64.com/topic/8828-sensorpanel-aida64-crash-with-low-level-pci-sensor-monitoring-enabled/
  4. Especially now when you cant add anything to the sensorpanel from GPU stats since the 22.5.1 driver update.
  5. First they need to fix the bug that crashes the whole PC as soon as aida64 starts on the 6000 series.
  6. Agreed and a battery indicator for wireless headset would be even better.
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