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Öld Ðad

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  1. do i need to download the source code as well? and the big question. i have a 480x800 monitor but i stopped using it and have my sensor panel on my second monitor. i share my second monitor between discord and my sensor panel will this work that way? here is a pic if you need it to see what i mean.
  2. where do i find that at or is it an upgrade?
  3. Here is another 800x1024 sensor panel I made. There is plenty of room to adjust things to your liking or add even more to it if you want, enjoy... newest panel.sensorpanel
  4. Ok so how is everyone doing these video like or gif backgrounds on their sensor panels?
  5. Here is a diff version of my panel in case anyones getting tired of the old background. I changed it up with a carbon fiber background and added a few things, hope ya'll like. As always use it, modify it to your likings and this is based off a panel i got from here so most of the credit goes to those before me..... cf rog panel.sensorpanel
  6. Ok I couldnt stand having all the open area on the 800x1024 panel so I made some updates and added a few things, hope ya'll like. As always use it, modify it to your likings and this is based off a panel i got from here so most of the credit goes to those before me..... updated 800x1024 rop panel.sensorpanel
  7. i like that, wanna share it?
  8. Here's another variation of my sensor panel, its 800x1024. Feel free to use it and change it up to your needs. I got the original off here so credit goes to those guys as well. 800x024 Rog Panel.sensorpanel
  9. Ok I figured out the fix for this issue. If you cant find the temp sensor for the gpu look for the GPU Diode. It will be in the same section as the rest of the gpu temps are, click it and your good to go. I double checked with MSI Afterburner to make sure the temps matched and I watched it for an hour just to make sure the fluctuations were the same so now everything is working great...
  10. Here you go guys, I couldnt stand not making it look better so i played around with it some and moved things around, hope this looks better. updated rog sensor panel.sensorpanel
  11. mlsmiley1 and anyone else wanting this panel at 1024x600. i did make a few changes to it and could prolly use some more refinement but i wanted to get you guys something as fast as i could, hope you like it. Again this is just a sensor panel i downloaded from here and changed to my likings please feel free to change it to your own tastes. 1024x600 rog panel.sensorpanel
  12. Thanks to Nino_K and Exhumed, I can now share this with whomever wants it. Its 800x480 and all I did was tweak a few things on a panel someone else made and shared on here. 2022-05-17.sensorpanel
  13. How do I save a sensor panel so I can share it?
  14. sweet sounds good man, thanks for the reply...
  15. I tried uninstalling aida64 and reinstalling it but still nothing. i even tried a diff panel so im not sure why the temp sensor isnt in there. i wouldnt think its because its such a new gpu would it?
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