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Nick Lechnowskyj

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  1. Same problem. It comes up in a variety of scenarios when Explorer needs to recalculate the layout for the Taskbar. In Settings toggle the setting for "show application icons on the taskbar where the window is" Coming out of sleep Probably others For now I've created a custom C# app that finds the sensor panel window every 5 seconds using win32 api and sets the window to top most. Working on a better solution to detect when the sensor panel is no longer top most and sets it. It's still messy, but I'm so tired of looking over at it and the taskbar is covering the bottom. Mine is on a 12" LCD with 1920x515 res, and the panel is supposed to take up the entire screen. I'm also going to explore hiding the taskbar on that screen altogether.
  2. Took inspiration from another panel that I found on here. Tried messaging the author to buy the assets and he wouldn't respond so I traced them out. Will have an AI file and panel available for download soon as well as instructions on how to create your own segmented gradient gauge pinwheel. This particular one is setup for a 1920x480 screen. Unfortunately, the uploaded image quality suffers. It looks a lot better natively.
  3. Agreed. I can't wait for someone to come along and make a real sensor panel as the author of this one is stuck in the year 1998. I feel like we're given 12 legos and expected to build something of value.
  4. None of the download links for any of your sensor panels work. Can you consider hosting them at a more reliable place?
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