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Everything posted by INSTG8R

  1. I mean the thing is HWinfo can do it so there is no reason that AIDA can't do it too in fact if I wasn't so loyal to Finalwire and my G19s LCD support(I have been using this since it was Everest with my G15)HWInfo also has support for my LCD. But I have spent far too much time doing my layouts and still tweaking them I would seriously give HWInfo a try. I mean I have always renewed my license for the LCD and currently have a 2 year license. But not only can HWinfo show VRAM temps it also shows regular RAM temps as well. Overall the sensor data we get with AIDA is very much lacking in comparison so any way to get them to improve it I will try my best to get them the info and incentive to improve
  2. I just want some clarity on the actual "stutter"? In games? I have been using this particular software since it was Everest and can't say it's had any major issues that weren't just incorrect readings that when reported got fixed quickly. Edit I mean is this what you consider stutter?
  3. I hope the 7000 series info is helpful as well. I am perfectly willing to try beta versions to test the feature if it can be done. I have been using this since it was Everest and keep my license for the LCD support. I also beta test drivers for AMD(hopefully I didn't send you dumps on betas LOL that would be bad) But regardless I am no stranger to testing
  4. Well he did at least download my dump but yeah didn't get much further I gave him my 7900XTX info yesterday Edit: He downloaded that dump too so... I mean if he'd engage I would happily try some beta versions to test it I've been paying for my license since it was Everest..
  5. Reviving this topic now with RDNA3 data. I have seen others asking for the same function, so I have now given you data for RDNA2 and 3 7900XTX.txt
  6. I have already provided them with info on this and am about to revive my original thread with info on the 7000 series
  7. As per your request. Thanks Fiery as always atigpureg.txt
  8. I am only putting this out there because I know HWinfo can see this temp and while I am an RDNA2 user I can see my VRAM temps in HWinfo. RDNA3 users are definitely seeing high temps so as AIDA users it would be nice to also be able to monitor our VRAM temps
  9. Here is what you asked for. Thanks for looking into it. atigpureg.txt
  10. Here is a log file showing the incorrect 2x the actual value. 5700XT Ram_2020-02-25_11-58-03_log.csv
  11. My 5700XT VRAM is clocked at 1750Mhz AIDA shows 3500Mhz. My Idle is 200Mhz AIDA shows 400mhz etc. So its showing 2X the actual speed. I am using the LCD monitoring with my Logitech G19s My model for reference is Sapphire 5700XT Nitro+
  12. Latest stable and latest Beta both show the 5700XTs VRAM clocks at double the actual speed. If there's a metric I can change to show the correct VRAM clocks I'd appreciate it.If not it's a bug-
  13. Great! Thanks for the explanation.
  14. Well I guess I have to ask how to get it to use the old style with the new Beta?
  15. Awesome Fiery I will try it out post haste.
  16. I just wanted to chime in hear as a P67 Sabertooth User. The only 2 sensor readings I can see that aren't being read are the Vcore 1 and 2 (The VRM section) This is has been the case since 1.80. For me personally I would really like those 2 temps as I run watercooling so they aren't getting any kinda of passive cooling from a CPU fan. But outside of that it reads the rest of the sensors just fine.
  17. That is good news Fiery. I look forward to the old system being available.
  18. Thanks for the Info Fiery. But yeah I am going to agree with Xyrax. Its current state makes it WAY more complex than it has to be. I would certainly prefer the old method or at least be able to use the new Import feature that would perhaps adjust old configs to the new method?
  19. Is there no easy way to continue to use the old pages from the previous version? I use all 4 pages on my G15 and not one of them on the new version functions correctly. I have been transferring these pages since Everest and they always worked fine. Now even if I try to modify the now broken ones the layouts are a mess... Little disappointed in this as this is main feature I have always purchased this software for and now it has become very unfriendly to use.
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