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Everything posted by vmo11

  1. My new sensorpanel. 1680x5000. 1834330684_AIDASPEEDOMETER1680x500.rar
  2. Hi guys! You inspired me with your work and designs. I recreated my rainbow sensor panel with the gauge galore (500x1010 px). I created RAM Vengeance, fan, NVME, GTC 1660, disc with a SATA connector and Fan gauge. That is what I'm sharing. Thanks for your work! It's lovely. Rainbow for sharing.rar
  3. Happy New Year! My first sensor panel for 2023. named Red Hex. 1680x480 Red Hex.rar
  4. My God of War: Ragnarok sensor panel. Green (%) gauge is reversed (more is better) Blue (°C) gauge is normal (more is worse). Enjoy! 899172596_1680x350GOW_R.rar
  5. I present you my LCARS USS Protostar sensor panel (ST Prodigy). Sensor panel has 12 light sensor gauges, 12 bar gauges 3 graphs, 3 custum gauges (Shields for MEM, Seal for CPU and Warp/Protodrive for GPU). Enjoy! 898633193_1680x350LCARSProtostarpanel.rar
  6. My Star Trek Picard and LCARS inspired sensor panel. 1680x350px 3 big light logo gauges (ST Picard Combadge, UFP logo, La Sirena Combadge), 3 graphs, 7 light gauges, 1 lever gauge (on the right).
  7. New computer, new sensor panel... PS: circuit can be in single color...
  8. 320x480 simple white.rar
  9. My spaceship hud / futuristic design of Sensor panel.
  10. This may help to clarify the sensor panel:
  11. vmo11

    Stargate chewron / centerpiece gauge pngs from my Sensor panel. 

    Stargate chewron gauge 510X250.rar

    1. Awol


      Thank you

  12. Hello everyone! My Stargate-inspired Sensor panel. 16 custom gauges (3 stargates, 2 light gauges triangle, 2 earth symbol gauges (left+right), 2 milky way DHD gauges (inner and outer circle), 2 Atlantis DHD gauges (inner and outer triangles), 2 Destiny DHD devices gauges (upper and bottom halfs) and time gauge (1 hour for every SG-1, SGA and SGU planet Earth adress). Ancient letter font.
  13. Hello everyone. My second Sensor panel. 12 progress bar gauges for SSD/HDD and Network. 6 half circle gauges for CPU (%,°C), Motherboard temperature, and GPU (%, °C, Fan RPM). 6 quick light gauges (1/4 type), and one big center symbol gauge. All custom made.
  14. Hello everyone. I have an older computer for work, and I don't have an external sensor monitor for my Sensor panel. My panel is cozy in the right corner of my second monitor. It's my first try making a custom Sensor monitor. Resolution is 200x1010px with custom gauges for CPU, GPU, and Memory usage. In the attachment, you can find the sensor panel file, sensor background, and small gauges for the sensor panel (circular for GPU/CPU and progress bar for memory). The font that I used is Xirod by Typodermic Fonts from dafont.com. 200x1010.sensorpanel 200x1010 gauges.rar
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