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Everything posted by mad_plaz

  1. Tell me where you can download this skin? Maybe someone has it? Thank you in advance!
  2. Hello! I'm a newbie among you and I need some help from you! On the Internet, I found a similar type of touch monitors and I came up with the idea of how to make a similar wireless monitor from an old and no longer needed 10" tablet for Android. After downloading the program (I used spacedeck) to connect wirelessly to the computer and making all the necessary settings, I got a good version of such a monitor with a configurable resolution. I'm probably not original in my idea and someone has already done something similar before me, but I'm quite happy with the result. Also after watching a video on how to customize similar skins, etc. I was looking for a skin that would suit me and came across this one among your community. But I couldn't download it. Could someone who has this job share it? I really ask you to help a beginner! Thank you in advance and good luck to everyone in modding!
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