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Everything posted by J0K3R5

  1. Jumping on the band wagon, doing my version of this popular skin. Thankyou to the original poster who made this skin. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wqk4iuuDVa8a3mYuvpXOHdQIa4dqT3_R/view?usp=sharing
  2. delete
  3. Ive supplied the psd file on how to make a custom gauge from scratch. demo.psd demo.sensorpanel
  4. square gauge box.sensorpanel
  5. In progress,
  6. 125x125
  7. In the making
  8. Not to hard to do, use my psd file and just rotate the images. https ://drive.google.com/file/d/1hZ_7DvcmuSOemaD5hmCH424Y40BanNIM/view?usp=share_link
  9. Basic info Open 24 Display St.ttf 2022-11-19.sensorpanel
  10. Sorry in advance for posting this again Finally happy with skin, no more alterations. 5 backgrounds to choose from. 6 colour of gauges to choose from. black or white text & gauge border to choose from Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rxApfKi_v3II0abrn5zIOaeEikVrKy9U?usp=sharing
  11. I have no issues, mod + share as you see fit.
  12. Re-tweaked skin 2022-11-16.sensorpanel
  13. Clean, simple, hassle-free. Needed a simple hud when I was gaming. 600 x 1024 2022-11-13.sensorpanel Open 24 Display St.ttf
  14. I use photoshop, save file as a png
  15. gauge psd https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HhxoocFHBXzjN18y-9HLJYGIz6zwoHhu?usp=sharing
  16. 2022-11-05.sensorpanel
  17. I cant share unless Costa Junior says its ok. As Ive based it on his skin that he done and sells on his website.
  18. Now that is sweet and clean
  19. The gif question, I know its not supported, so plan is to take the gif down to its basic form. A series of still pictures, has anyone done this. Am I limited to 16 pictures like you are with gauges ? Im guessing any sensor would do, as long as the polling rate is changed and range of the sensor is narrow to react quick enough.
  20. Some free plugin links: https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=photoshop https://www.brusheezy.com/
  21. Based on FIRESTORM gauges Improved the rust
  22. deleted
  23. killing some time. A bit more tweaking
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