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Everything posted by Fyew-jit-tiv

  1. LOL...! Maybe its because i use my systems intensively, I work on these comps every day Fiery and i can assure you my comps run in tip top condition.. Maybe i should become one of your Beta testers seeing as I'm always finding something.
  2. P.S Here is another problem when i try to quit the program.
  3. Hi Fiery, Just re-installed system and installed latest Beta version and every time i launch or try to do something in Aida i get this message popping up (See Attached file) Question... Do you still have the same guys who worked Everest working on Aida? The reason why i ask is personally i have never experienced this amount of problems with Everest as i do with Aida. In fact for the 2 yrs I'd been using Everest i only remember contacting you once for a problem. In the last few weeks i have had nothing but problem after problem with Aida. Kinda feels like you got new people working on the software. Anyways let us know what you think about this new problem, I have installed Aida on a new OS install with no third party software. Regards
  4. Hi Fiery, I can now confirm that the problem with CPU RPM has been fixed with build 1219. I'm now re-install OS on P6X58D Comp and will let you know by the end of today if that makes any difference to the update freq Thanks. Thanks.
  5. Im at a lost to fiery. Im going to re-install windows on my main comp and see if that helps.!
  6. just to let you know i have just re-installed v 1.2.1150 and all is working fine with update freq.!
  7. ok... I think i have exhausted every possibility my end.. I have tried Adia64 v1.5 Beta on 2 systems now and have the same problem. Again i dont get this problem with every version prior to v1.5.
  8. ok so the time is updating correctlt within the registry. under main menu / File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / update freq ... are these values meant to be written to the registry...? If so what do they come under?
  9. forget the last post.. Just realized what you meant.. Sorry.. checking now.!
  10. With external apps set to a value of 1, i dont see the STIME in the registry.?
  11. Here are 2 clips... with external sensor update freq set to 1... does this match up with the bios?
  12. ok my bad.. didnt notice i'd switch them off before launchin registry. So fiery why is it when i install Aida64 v1.2 or everest i dont have this problem with update freq but with 1.5 i do? and riva's update freq does NOT happen with any other plugin but Adia64..
  13. Not sure why that arrow is there... Here is another screen shot
  14. Fiery look at post#14. there is a capture there which shows what i have under Aida in my registry.. there is NO Sensor value there.! thanks
  15. Hi Fiery, LOL....Read your Post #5 in this thread. Point 1 Update freq.. That is what i was responding too.! I think its because you answered 2 question which were posted in 2 different threads. hope you now get what i mean. So for the update freq am i meant to have a sensor value reading in the registry? If so i don't have on either of my computers. Please advise.! Regards.
  16. Hi Fiery, So i have done what you have asked, and i don't see anything in my registry which mentions \Sensorvalue. I have enabled shared memory checked, Enable writing sensor values to registry checked.. Screen shot inc... So you have either given me the wrong info or Adia64 has this problem that have have been telling you about.! Regards.! Ps. To also let you know i installed version 1.2 & everest and this problem does NOT present itself. I have been running rivatuner for the past 2yrs with Everest & Aida64 and up untill now this was NEVER a problem. So it must be something you guys have done with Aida64 1.5+
  17. It was just a thought. Just trying to help find a route to the problem.! Thanks
  18. Just had a thought about this from reading one of your post.. My pumps only have one wire connected to the headers (to show pump rpm). Could it be that Adia is not detecting power being taken from these headers (CPU&Chassis#1)?
  19. Hi Fiery, I know the pumps are working as i can see the status via GPU Gadget which is taken from Aida via Rivatuner. Not sure about the Aida64.ini file. I will have that comp back online come tomorrow night and will let you know if the ini file is still in place. Thanks
  20. P.S screen shots were taken from my P7P55 Machine. Im currently cleaning out from the main machine in question (P6X58D). If you need Aida dumps then please let me know asa as that comp will be off-line for the next 24hrs. Thanks
  21. The pumps are functioning ok. Maybe im not explaing this correctly. I'll try from the start again and hopefully i can make this understandable. LOL. I have 2 pumps connected. 1 to GPU & 1 to CPU (CPU header & Chassis #1 Header). Because my pumps are so quite i decided to setup alerts to alert me if either pump stops working. So i goto Prefernces>Alerts and setup my alerts (pls see capture 1), But after a few restarts or a day later ill come back to the alerts screen and what i have setup previously is no longer there (pls see capture 2). Hopefully i have explain this clear enough if not please let me know and i'll try again...! Thanks.
  22. Hi Fiery, This update freq doesn't happen when running Aida64 v1.2. I have only noticed this when running Aida64 1.5+. As for the Alerts disaparing... If i goto Preferences>Alerting and setup an alert for the CPU fan (Below 3500rpm above 5000rpm) to shut down the system if these rpms have been breached (higher or Lower) then after a few restarts when i go back to check on these alerts i have setup they are not there.! Thanks
  23. Hi Fiery, As requested here is the sensordump. As you can see this is showing the correct CPU RPM, But else where in Aida64 is doesn't. Thanks ------[ AIDA64 v1.50.1212 Beta ]------ ------[ Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 6.1.7600 (64-bit) ]------ ------[ Motherboard Info ]------ Motherboard ID : 65-0903-000001-00101111-070910-P55$A1482001_BIOS DATE: 07/09/10 10:30:04 VER: 08.00.15 Motherboard Model : Asus P7P55-M Motherboard Chipset : Intel Ibex Peak P55, Intel Ironlake DMI MB Manufacturer : ASUSTeK Computer INC. DMI MB Product : P7P55-M DMI MB Version : Rev X.0x DMI MB Serial : MT7006K29700217 DMI SYS Manufacturer: System manufacturer DMI SYS Product : System Product Name DMI SYS Version : System Version DMI SYS Serial : System Serial Number DMI BIOS Version : 0903 ITE 87xx Port = 00h ITE 87xx HWMonitor Port = 0000h ITE 87xx Device ID = 0000h ITE 87xx Version = 00h Winbond SuperIO Port = 2Eh Winbond SuperIO HWMonitor Port = 0290h Winbond SuperIO Device ID = B353h Winbond Sensor ID A3/5C/reg$58 = A3 / 5C / C1 Fintek SuperIO Port = 00h Fintek SuperIO HWMonitor Port = 0000h Fintek SuperIO Device ID = 0000h LPC47 SuperIO HWMonitor Port = 0000h LPC47 SuperIO Device ID = FFFFh ------[ LM78 ISA Sensor Device at 0290 ]------ 0000 04 FF 04 56 10 3C 32 22 9B 80 01 01 3C 3C 04 04 0010 04 FF 30 00 00 01 01 3C 53 27 00 00 27 FF FF CA 0020 99 DB D0 D0 D5 FF 26 C9 58 7A FF DA 00 99 9F F4 0030 E3 4B 56 EA F3 EE FA 1C 4B D4 53 90 05 9F 89 FF 0040 01 10 10 FF DF 00 3F F3 2D 21 00 C0 88 95 00 A3 0050 FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 80 C1 9F FF FF 01 82 00 05 0060 FF FF 40 FF FF FF FF FF 0A FF 01 FF 01 FF FF FF 0070 04 04 0A 0A 00 64 4B 64 FF FF FF 1F 00 00 C9 00 0080 04 FF 04 56 10 3C 32 22 9B 80 01 01 3C 3C 04 04 0090 04 FF 30 00 00 01 01 3C 53 27 00 00 27 FF FF CA 00A0 99 DB D0 D0 D5 FF 26 C9 58 7A FF DA 00 99 9F F4 00B0 E3 4B 56 EA F3 EE FA 1C 4B D4 53 90 05 9F 89 FF 00C0 01 00 10 FF DF 00 3F F3 2D 21 00 C0 88 95 00 A3 00D0 FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 80 C1 9F FF FF 01 82 00 05 00E0 FF FF 40 FF FF FF FF FF 0A FF 01 FF 01 FF FF FF 00F0 04 04 0A 0A 00 64 4B 64 FF FF FF 1F 00 00 C9 00 Bnk0 FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 80 C1 9F FF FF 01 82 00 05 Bnk1 2C 00 00 4B 00 50 00 EA FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Bnk2 4E 00 02 7D 00 7F 1E 54 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Bnk3 06 06 06 06 01 07 03 03 07 00 00 C0 63 01 00 00 Bnk4 39 13 FF 00 00 07 00 22 69 8E 1D B9 09 5F 20 FF Bnk5 D5 72 03 FF 30 B1 74 65 B5 96 00 00 E4 00 00 00 Bnk6 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 07 7D 01 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 Reg$20 CPU Core: r = 153, r*0.016 = 2.45 Reg$21 CPU Aux: r = 219, r*0.016 = 3.50 Reg$22 +3.3 V: r = 208, r*0.016 = 3.33 Reg$23 +5 V: r = 208, r*0.016 = 3.33 Reg$24 +12 V: r = 213, r*0.016 = 3.41 Reg$25 -12 V: r = 255, r*0.016 = 4.08 Reg$26 -5 V: r = 38, r*0.016 = 0.61 ------[ ACPI Temperatures & Fans ]------ _TZ_.THM0._TMP : _TZ_.THM1._TMP : _TZ_.THR0._TMP : _TZ_.THR1._TMP : _TZ_.TZ00._TMP : _TZ_.TZ01._TMP : _TZ_.RTMP : _TZ_.RFAN : _TZ_.RFAN(0) : _TZ_.RFAN(1) : _SB_.ATKD._HID : _SB_.ATKD.TMPR : _SB_.PCI0.LPC0.EC0_.CCTV : _SB_.PCI0.LPC0.EC0_.LRPM : _SB_.PCI0.LPC0.EC0_.HRPM : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.ECPU : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.TACH(0): _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.TACH(1): _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.TAH0 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.TAH1 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.ST00 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC01 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC02 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC03 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC04 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC05 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC06 : _SB_.PCI0.PIB_.EC0_.TCRT : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.CTPM : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC__.CPUT : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC__.SYST : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.CTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.CTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.TMP1 : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.TMP2 : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.TMPI : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.TMPV : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.A1TP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.A2TP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.FAN0 : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.TS1R : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.TS2R : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.TS3R : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.F1FL : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.F1FH : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.F2FL : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.F2FH : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.H8EC.RTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.H8EC.LTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.H8EC.MTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.H8EC.GTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.CTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.DTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.GTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.ITMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.MTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.STMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.PFAN : ------[ Asus ATK0110 ]------ Motherboard ID: P7P55-M ICPU/VCPU/PCPU: 780 / 0 / 15912 CPU Temperature : 44.0 C MB Temperature : 42949667.4 C CHASSIS1 FAN Speed: 1917 RPM CPU FAN Speed : 1383 RPM +12 Voltage : 12.264 V +3.3 Voltage : 3.328 V +5 Voltage : 5.112 V Vcore Voltage : 1.224 V CPU Temperature : 44.0 C MB Temperature : 42949667.4 C Chassis1 Fan Speed: 1917 RPM CPU Fan Speed : 1383 RPM +12V Voltage : 12.264 V +3.3V Voltage : 3.328 V +5V Voltage : 5.112 V Vcore Voltage : 1.224 V CPU Over Voltage : 0.030 V CPU PLL : 1.800 V DRAM Bus Voltage : 1.650 V IMC Voltage : 1.100 V PCH : 1.050 V BCLK Frequency : 133.00 MHz CPU rated ratio : 24x CPU Ratio : 24x So here we can see the correct CPU RPM
  24. Hi Fiery, Here is a strange one, under Aida64 stress test ProbeII shows -55 on the mobo temp sensor and Aida doesn't (Screen shot inc), This is why i don't use ProbeII as it is so not accurate. Another thing to note is whilst under stress testing my core temps will go up to 60c+ but the CPU temps only goes up to 49c, normally it would idle @ around 44c which cant be right. Going to do this dump and post back in 5. Thanks
  25. Hi Fiery, So i have installed ProbeII. Adia64 CPU temp matches ProbeII. What i find strange thou is (and correct me if I'm wrong)the core temps should be higher than the overall CPU temp? On my main Comp this is most certainly the case. ProbeII is on the other hand showing the correct CPU Fan RPM Speed whilst Aida is not. There seems to be 1000rpm's missing from Aida's readings. Screen shot inc. Compare with screen shot in OP. Thanks.
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