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NIC monitoring woes. Help me keep my hair a little longer. LAN controller changes NIC# every boot, Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapters present only in AIDA.


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Hello! Thanks for your time one way or another.

I have a lovely little sensorpanel I've put together that fits my needs perfectly, except every single time I reboot my computer the NIC I monitor has decided that if it was NIC3, it is now NIC4, or perhaps if it was NIC4 maybe being NIC3 this time would be fun.

Operationally this means that in order to monitor my web traffic with AIDA64, every single time I start my computer I have to go into the SensorPanel manager, change my Upload text line from one to the other, which of course means I need to change its Label, and the value used. I have to do this with my Download text line as well, change the default name from "NIC4 Download Rate" to just "DL" and then change the value from its default KB/s (When are you at, AIDA?) to Mbps. If you think this is annoyingly long to read, imagine how I feel having to do it sometimes multiple times a day depending on how restarty I'm feeling. I have two graphs that I have to adjust too, but since they don't change their label and value when I select a different sensor, they aren't nearly as annoying as all the clicking and typing for the other two. Anyway, I hope this first paragraph conveys some of the PITA I am having myself. I digress...

I do not have Hotspot functionality enabled on this desktop, and for good reason. I cannot fathom a situation where I would need to set my desktop as a Wi-Fi hotspot, it is 15 feet from the Wi-Fi router. I'm sure these two Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapters I have are great for laptops, but I don't need em. And...I have them disabled. In my Device Manager, even after hopping into a cmd.exe and giving it the ol' show_nonpresent_devices=1 these two mystery NICs do not show up at all. 

Yet, in AIDA64, I have 5 NIC sensors to contend with (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LAN), and I believe that these two extra Wi-Fi DVA ones are sort of shuffling around and causing my normal 2.5GbE controller to shift around between sensor designation.

I want them gone. How do I make them go away? How can I lock a sensor to a specific NIC#? Should I just save two different layouts and import version 3 or 4 depending on what the program decides the NIC is this time (this idea just came to me while writing this and might be my less-than-desirable solution.)?

I appreciate your help and knowledge, whoever you are.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've just ran into the same issue, I would like to just pick the NIC by name instead of order, or some other identifier that stays the same.

I believe you can get rid of the Wifi Direct adapters by disabling the wifi adapter entirely if you're not using it, though I have another issue myself now, using a virtual machine, or the Android subsystem creates a virtual network adapter which also knocks everything out of order...

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