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How to find out infos about GPS device in SmartPhone?

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How can I find out infos about the currently embedded GPS device on a SmartPhone or Tablet?


e.g. the GPS processor (SIRF,....)


I found no section "GPS" or similar.


Where is it?




It's not there simply because it's not possible to talk to the GPS chip directly :( So we cannot extract any information from them.




Ok, thank you.


But maybe you could identify the type of SmartPhone/Tablet and then retrieve the gps chip definition from your database (remote on your server or inside the App).


Ok, thank you.


But maybe you could identify the type of SmartPhone/Tablet and then retrieve the gps chip definition from your database (remote on your server or inside the App).

That's not necesserily a reliable method, since the manufacturer of the phone could change (update) the chip through the lifecycle of a certain device.

  • 2 months later...
On ‎2016‎. ‎12‎. ‎07‎. at 9:36 PM, Francisco said:

Mi S7 eage a empezado a funcionar mal abrir la música, doy al play y no reproduce la cancion AYUDA

Please note that it's not possible to diagnose such issues remotely. You may want to take your phone to a local specialist and have it checked out.

  • 6 months later...

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