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Mice007 last won the day on January 21

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About Mice007

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    Budapest / Hungary

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  1. We noticed your refund request posted here on Saturday. As with most companies, we also operate during standard business hours, and the forums are not the primary channel for handling sales inquiries. We’ve already processed your refund, but for faster assistance in the future, we kindly suggest contacting our sales team directly at https://www.aida64.com/support/contactform. Initiating a PayPal dispute without prior communication can unnecessarily complicate the process.
  2. We noticed your refund request posted here on Saturday. As with most companies, we also operate during standard business hours, and the forums are not the primary channel for handling sales inquiries. We’ve already processed your refund, but for faster assistance in the future, we kindly suggest contacting our sales team directly at https://www.aida64.com/support/contactform. Initiating a PayPal dispute without prior communication can unnecessarily complicate the process.
  3. Right click on the Export button on SensorPanel Manager and select SPZIP. We'll make this feature more and more public and even default in the upcoming versions.
  4. So guys, as you may have already seen, AIDA64 v7.50 is out, featuring the new Core template and some additional updates like the SPZIP format and, most notably, the resizing feature. What do you think about these new features? We felt the Core template would be helpful for newcomers, and the resizing feature marks an important step toward supporting different scales, DPI settings, and making it easier to design or redesign panels.
  5. What is your device string? You can find it at Device page in AIDA64
  6. Please let me know the device string AIDA64 displays, on Device page in the app
  7. In some cases this error appears, we have a fix for this, available here: https://download.aida64.com/users/aida64_ext_centos7.zip
  8. I'm curious about what resolution are you using folks. I've created a little poll, just to get a picture. https://strawpoll.com/kjn18pJo7yQ
  9. I'm curious about what resolution are you using folks. I've created a little poll, just to get a picture. https://strawpoll.com/kjn18pJo7yQ
  10. Some of you have reported a false positive alert from Windows Defender when downloading our software. We want to assure you that this is not a real threat and explain how you can verify it. We have scanned the latest AIDA64 Extreme v6.90 ZIP/portable version with virustotal.com. You can check the results on their website below. You can also check the MD5 hash of the file to confirm that it matches ours. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/7dc13a52bc649498c44495b439661665cc606ed7a65d95aa6b134f17df9b9f79
  11. It should look like this, we did not receive any reports apart from you of an error
  12. Thanks for the suggestions but we see a bit different here. Of course the general rule that you don't post if you don't want your work stolen is true, but we had to put the rules in place so we can refer to it when we have to deal with a situation which got quite common lately. Of course, if someone is not bothered by others modifying their work, all they have to do is to share it here and write something in the post like "feel free to modify, resubmit" etc, and it will be clear to everyone. By creating a separated topic for the SensorPanel sellers we believe it would be easier for newcomers and for existing members to find what are they looking for. We'll see how it works, of course we can still fine tune the rules and topics if needed. Also, please keep your tone a bit lower and do not insult anyone who just wants to show off their panel or build. It is perfectly fine and can be very useful for anyone who is here to look for ideas.
  13. Please fix the image you attached it seems it is not working.
  14. This is the most visited topic on our forum, with the most significant number of posts. We are delighted that we have a great community around the SensorPanel in AIDA64, and we are thrilled to see such amazing work that you guys create. However, we have seen several arguments and issues about the increased number of promoted paid works and copyright infringement. We strongly believe in the importance of protecting intellectual property, but of course, it is not an easy task to monitor all uploaded work. To make the forum more feasible, we created a "Promote your SensorPanel" topic where you can put your work you want to sell to others without flooding the original topic. By doing this, we hope we can support the community here and drive it back to a more friendly and resourceful place. New Rules No advertising posts for paid resources, SensorPanels in the "Share your SensorPanel" topic. You can still upload your panels here to show them to others and discuss details. You are only allowed to upload your own work here. The only exception is when you have proper authorization from the original owner of a SensorPanel to upload and modify their work.
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