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Everything posted by Splash42

  1. Nice work , we were talking about how this idea would use a lot of frames to make it work so the gauge count ends up in the thousands . Technically to calculate the correct time all gauges need to be set by dividing the day as seconds but if you only want minutes as the smallest unit then it would not need as many gauges , but remember the 0 error in coding were as each gauge besides the first one needs a blank at the start at least to let the relevant gauge show , so the calculations are still using 16 frames only off set to each overlap.
  2. It's a concept that lets you know at a glance if something is happening. The Logo shows temp in 4 colors and the CPU Clock over rides to red at the top end of the scale So if Green then all ok 800x480 SilverStone SilverStoneCase.sensorpanel
  3. AIDASTEIN3D.sensorpanel
  4. Hay HASHTAG AIDA64 this is 2024 , when are you going to fix this...?
  5. Yes the Total for a second hand would be 5760 gauges and I think it maybe the most over build clock ever. ha ha
  6. It is possible just maybe not practicle . I suppose a type of fuzzy clock would not be to much loading say for 15min intervals ...
  7. I'm not sure how much resources it would use for every second , but if the PNG's are as simple as possible then it could work only 3 main sets would be needed using 60 frames for each (4 Gauges for each hand ) but then they still need to be duplicated for each hour as well so it would need about 288 gauges overlapping each other to get the full effect ? Unless there is some secret hidden code that Aida are not telling us here. on one of my gauge sets I use 3 gauges for different setting , I call it a hybrid as it changes range as the feed changes. If the hour only needed to read on the hour then it could be reduced to 196 gauges .... lol If your screen is connected using hdmi then you could just drag a widget over the top like a previous idea to show the weather as well ?
  8. So I made this Retro kick back.... Nokia01.sensorpanel
  9. Hay that's nice I like what you did there. I included the red stick as well so it would warn of high readings like temp or you could set it to frame 00 if you wanted to know if a fan was failing or some thing like that. I consider this to be open use so keep up the creativity. I made them using paint.net so it should be easy to resize these for any screen size.
  10. Now this is good , reminds me of LCARS trek theme only more practical. The SSD's multi gauge is great.
  11. Silverstone case puts this 5 inch at home. not fitted properly yet but I think you get the idea.
  12. Because we have 16 frames to work with then it as actually 1.5 hours (5400sec) per image in a 24 set so if you only wanted to show a 12 hour set then it would be 45 min (2700sec) increments to set this as Aida uses seconds then divide the day using seconds windows calculator does this for you pic 1 so 6 am is 21600 seconds and 6pm is 64800 seconds pic 2
  13. Was having a lot of trouble here too but I found that going back to the ( Windows 10 ) https://zadig.akeo.ie/downloads/ and downloading the zadig-2.5.exe (was using zadig-2.8.exe fail) then replacing the driver with the earlier one and now it works . I think 2.8 is more for W11 setup....
  14. Was having a lot of trouble here too but I found that going back to the ( Windows 10 ) https://zadig.akeo.ie/downloads/ and downloading the zadig-2.5.exe (was using zadig-2.8.exe fail) then replacing the driver with the earlier one and now it works . I think 2.8 is more for W11 setup....
  15. Glow Sticks because GLOW STICKS 800x480 Font = "Nasalization Rg" at 1001freefonts as in 'NASA' GlowSticks.sensorpanel
  16. Who Wants A Glow Stick ? Transparent background so easy to use.
  17. ALIEN.INFECTED.sensorpanel
  18. This is for the ALIEN FANS. Not your usual sensor panel. 6 gauges that you can set to whatever or add more of your own Welcome to INFECTED , it's like the BORG meet Alienware Gauges are more art than data ... 800x480 ALIEN.INFECTED.sensorpanel
  19. Have you enabled USB2LCD+ LCD support ?
  20. Awesome . here is another idea I was experimenting with, I use the ripple in the 5v rail to make the Eyes blink randomly ha ha. You will need the "Alien League" fonts from 1001 free fonts dot com for this one ( or similar ). 800x480 800X480ALIEN.B.sensorpanel
  21. I needed some sleep when I put that together here is a better version with better calibrated gauges. 1366x728 RED RINGS.sensorpanel
  22. Sorry I mean 70 to 100 sound volume.
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