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  1. Yes!!! There's an extra Hot Key setting for the Sensor Panel Manager and it works like a charm. Thank you.
  2. Thanks for your quick reply. This needs the sensor panel to be set to the other display before it can be accessed. Display 2 is the sensor panel display. It is placed in the upper right corner of the main display. The option to ease the cursor movement to switch between displays is turned of. So you can't access the second display with the mouse cursor. Shortcut key Ctrl+M doesn't open the Panel Manager when AIDA64 is opened/the active window. I'm using version 7.60.7300.
  3. Hi, Is there any option to open the sensor panel manager without right-clicking on the panel itself? My panel is a secondary screen, in Windows it's placed on the upper right corner of all displays and cursor ease is disabled so one can never access the display with the cursor. To modify something, I have to do many steps in settings to get the ability to edit the sensor panel layout. Why isn't there a simple button so open the sensor panel manager? Or am I missing something? Jeroen (Sorry, should have been posted in the Sensor Panel topic)
  4. Hi, new to this community. Love all the effort everyone is putting in designing and sharing panel designs. I'm still waiting for most parts of my new system, nothing special, in a TT Tower 300 case on a stand kit. Idea is to replace the bottom front panel (when standing) by a 7.84" 1280x400px LCD. While waiting I already had some ideas. One of them is an old school type orange LCD, which matches the Gravel & Sand of the Tower 300 case.
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