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Omid Sadeghi

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  1. I have an Intel Pentium T4200 CPU and under stress test, the thermal throttling graph is green and 0 percent so there is no thermal throttling detected. I wanted to know if the CPU does not have thermal throttling at all or maybe thermal throttling of this CPU is not shown in AIDA64. I appreciate it if you tell me from what generation of intel CPUs it is possible to monitor thermal throttling in AIDA64. By the way, I know that AMD CPUs don't have thermal throttling
  2. Intel says that when thermal throttling happens, clock speed of the CPU decreases. Is it the same as stalling CPU execution pipeline as you said?
  3. Thank you so much. Actually, I asked this from chatgpt and it gave me the same answer but I thought it was wrong😊 Can you please give me an authoritative reference to the definition ofthe percentage of throttling?
  4. So, the percentage of throttling in the chart (the red graph) means how much cpu maximum power is decreased? I mean 1% throttling means that cpu max power is declined to 99%? Before coming to this thread, i thought throttling 2% means cpu is working at 2 percent of its maximum performance.
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