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About Elbstrand

  • Birthday 12/22/1988

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  • Location
    Hamburg, Germany

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yeah transparent background would be very much appreciated!
  2. raiddump.txt smartdump.txt
  3. My other hard drive now shows up (sensor & smart) but my system drive (marked in RST as system) Samsung 830 256GB is still missing (sensor & smart). Step in the right direct, not quite there yet.
  4. I can confirm that it does indeed show the full SMART information on the drives IN RAID (0 or 1) BUT it doesnt show all other drives connected to the same controller. Also under the SMART tab in the programm no SMART information for the other drives are displayed. Also with the last version of RST i noticed my bootdrive (Samsung 830) showing up a whooping 3 times. Didnt bother me as much then, but not showing up at all is annoying. I've got 2x WD30EZRX in Raid1 which show up and 1x Samsung 830 256GB and 1x WD20EADS which both don't show up since 12.6 but they do in CrystalDiskInfo.
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