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  1. Hello +1000 for Turing Smart Screen I have the 5" version, very good screen, but the software is not very friendly and not all functions are available thx
  2. Hello Memory 77.5Mo stable. when aida64 stop working, task manager have quit at the same time EDIT: When Aida64 crash ram go up When i relaunch aida64, ram go down
  3. Hello I try aida64 for use with my old alphacool LCD. Aida64 work perfectly with the little lcd, i'm verry happy for that. But, aida stop working atfer 5/10/20 min maximum. No alerte, no error message, aida just quit after random time. Can you help me ? Thank's !
  4. Do you have news for the alphalcd compatibility ?
  5. Doesn't work.
  6. It's perfect !!!! But, alphalcd doesn't found Everest. (Aida64 in reality) have you a tips for my probleme ? thanks !!!!!!
  7. No new for a aida64 plugin for alphalcd ?? thank !!!!
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