windows 10 introduced a brand new way to managing the screen resolution, windows, apps and text zooming and this run into confusion the user and aida64 too.
(quick explanation of new windows 10 high res managing)
Previous windows 10, the user has the ability to modify the DPI size of texts in order to increase their physical dimension when high resolutions are activated, but this most of the time broke the application functionality as enlarging the texts and reducing the application windows sizes, due to increased resolution, always lead text out of application windows areas. Of course the user can manually modify the applied autozoom, even disabling, but infact is damn useful and work pretty well
The problem is this
if I use a resolution of 1920x1080, aida64 reports it correclty
if i rise the desktop resolution to 4k (i.e. 3840 x 2160, and of course i have a 4k monitor) suddenly windows detect this and triger the zooming function, enlargin everything to 225%.
so even if my monitor report on the OSD 3840x2160 60hz resolution, aida shows
1707 x 960
and if you make the calculation... 1707 / 100 x 225% = 3840 and 960 / 100 x 225% = 2160 that is exactly the 4k resolution that I had defined.
Aida64 infact is right, it is deceived by windows....
MY FIRST REQUEST IS: Is it possibile to insert a new function in aida64 in order to show BOTH resolutions ? suggestion "windows desktop resolution" and "monitor resolution"
In the situation described above, if i start a full screen application, like a game and the game run in 4k, Aida64 continues to show the desktop resolution 1707x960 no the new full screen resolution imposed by the game.
can this be fixed, or a new parameter inserted in the aide64 ? suggestion "full screen application resolution"
Thanks for your help