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Rip n Tear

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Rip n Tear last won the day on September 3 2024

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  1. work in progress.... Basically a complete rework of this gauge posted by someone to suit my needs. 4 total dials each tailored to my core component(cpu,gpu,memory,drives) in a 2560x720 portrait orientation. All gauge arms have been redesigned and 100% functional. Should be done by tomorrow.... Image 1 is a png file and the second one is what it looks like on the panel. I used gimp to re work it... RIP
  2. work in progress.... Basically a complete rework of this gauge posted by someone to suit my needs. 4 total dials each tailored to my core component(cpu,gpu,memory,drives) in a 2560x720 portrait orientation. All gauge arms have been redesigned and 100% functional. Should be done by tomorrow.... Image 1 is a png file and the second one is what it looks like on the panel. I used gimp to re work it... rip
  3. Hello Fiery sorry for the dumb question but I can't seem to find an answer in the forum or google.  My question is simple enough.  I've downloaded many sensor panels from different users but have decided to create my own.  How do I delete their layout and get the sensor panel back to default(nothing)??

    thank u!

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