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Toni Tijeras Alonso

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  1. You need to install Msi afterburner with RivaTuner Statics server.
  2. Is impossible to obtain it... 2 years and no share...
  3. Is Geforce Font, attach it GeForce_Bold.otf GeForce_Light.otf
  4. I share mine. Tribute to my old G19 1920x480Toni.sensorpanel
  5. Thanks!! Perfect for my 8.8" screen Me encanta!
  6. The second image 1920x480 or something similar. Where is the file? Thanks!!
  7. I want make a 1920x480 sensor panel. Can you share the source images for make it? Thanks!!!
  8. any news. I have logitech g935, G903 and other hardware logitech. it would be nice to have the status in sensorpanel
  9. For me the problem of a tablet or auxiliary phone is to be charging it, turning it on, etc ... The G19 screen is perfect for this purpose, it is always there. Is it feasible to remove the display from the G19 and dock it on a G930 or newer keyboards?
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