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Everything posted by Sir_coleslaw

  1. Resolution: 1080x640 This corresponds to exactly one third of a FullHD monitor set to vertikal with the taskbar hidden. Which corresponds to my current setup. Dark Panel-hor.sensorpanel Lato-Regular.ttf
  2. From the fact that I have not yet received an official response, I assume that there will be no support for this?
  3. Will AIDA provide official support for the VU1 Dynamic Analogue Dials from Streacom? https://streacom.com/products/vu1-dynamic-analogue-dials/ I ordered the starter kit from them, and the software that comes with it is more of a rudimentary beta. Since I'm already using AIDA64, it would, of course, be great to have official support for this product. Especially as it is aimed exactly in the direction that AIDA already serves anyway. The API, including documentation, is freely available on their website: https://docs.vudials.com/ There are also Github pages: https://github.com/SasaKaranovic/VU-Server https://github.com/SasaKaranovic/VU-Demo-App https://github.com/SasaKaranovic/VU-Documentation
  4. Will AIDA provide official support for the VU1 Dynamic Analogue Dials from Streacom? https://streacom.com/products/vu1-dynamic-analogue-dials/ I ordered the starter kit from them, and the software that comes with it is more of a rudimentary beta. Since I'm already using AIDA64, it would, of course, be great to have official support for this product. Especially as it is aimed exactly in the direction that AIDA already serves anyway. The API, including documentation, is freely available on their website: https://docs.vudials.com/
  5. Hello Team, I recently purchased an Aquacomputer Leakshield and have seen that the liquid level, for example, is also output in AIDA. I wonder if it is possible to also display the applied negative pressure in mbar?
  6. Recently I had a little time to spare, so I got to work on a dark mode panel, and this is the result: Resolution: 1100x3840 Dark Panel v1.sensorpanel LATOWEB-REGULAR.TTF
  7. Updated version of my panel. For my 5950X and my water cooling. Digital White v3.sensorpanel DS-DIGIB.TTF
  8. Here You Go, Font is, if needed: DS-Digital Digitalv10.sensorpanel
  9. Yes, that's possible. I'm currently using it via a USB-A port on the back of my LG monitor. I assume it must be at least USB-A 3.0.
  10. In reply to my own post on page 109: The display arrived yesterday and I spent the day completing my sensor panel. Here is the result. Resolution: 1100x3840 Short review of the display: The mounting for the display is not yet optimal and will be replaced by something more stable. There is also the option of mounting the display on the back with a 75x75 VESA bracket. About the display itself: Bought at AliExpress, NVArcher Store, this is the 14 inch CNC Black version. Shipping to Germany took about 3 weeks. The quality of the display is absolutely outstanding, the front is reflective, it's even FreeSync and HDR compatible and supposedly capable of 144Hz according to the OSD. However, I wouldn't necessarily use it for gaming because of the rather unusual format. Power supply via USB-C works without problems, I use it via an HDMI->DP adapter on my PC. According to the OSD, the second USB-C port on the display is also able to receive an image signal, but I haven't tested this yet due to the lack of a DP->USB-C cable. I can recommend it after about 2 days of use, the long-term test is still to come. Link to the shop: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005001664167447.html Digital.sensorpanel
  11. It will be this one: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005001664167447.html its the 4K CNC 14 Inch color option from the NVArcher store on AliExpress. I'll write about it as soon as it arrives.
  12. My first sensor panel. Still in progress. Inspired by some other panels here from the thread. Built for a, hopefully soon to arrive, 14 inch 3840x1100 sensor panel. The background is self-designed in Photoshop.
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