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WayBadMojo last won the day on March 26 2022

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    North Carolina, US

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  1. Hahaha, minor hiccup that made me laugh.. Regardless, thanks for helping admin this place! -Mojo
  2. It's a Windows compatibility setting that you apply on the EXE itself... Locate AIDA64.EXE (C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme) 1) Right Click 2) Properties 3) Compatibility Tab 4) 'Change High DPI settings' 5) Check 'Override High DPI Scaling' 6) Scaling performed by: 'System' (from the drop down) 7) Ok/Apply 8) Restart Windows Once you've done this, make sure that your SensorPanel properties are set to match the new panel before importing and you have a better chance of being successful. -Mojo
  3. Seconding the post above for corrective measures. I've also had luck making sure that my SensorPanel resolution is set in Preferences to match what is in the header of the SensorPanel file itself.. You can open a SensorPanel file in a text editor and the top lines will let you know what size it will try to display. Here's an example of the first 2 lines from one of mine: <SPVER>100</SPVER><SWVER>6.33.5766 Beta</SWVER> <SPWIDTH>1920</SPWIDTH><SPHEIGHT>480</SPHEIGHT><SPBGCOLOR>0</SPBGCOLOR> In this case it's a horizontal 1920x480 panel. -Mojo
  4. This is sexy, nice work Exhumed! -Mojo
  5. It looks like Denmark to me... https://www.wfonts.com/font/denmark -Mojo
  6. Confirmed that this is only an issue with transparent PNG files exported from Paint.Net, please delete this discussion.
  7. Update: This may be Paint.Net related.. I grabbed a copy of Inkscape and regenerated the transparent PNG files that I was using, so far the issue hasn't repeated...
  8. Was attempting to make it easier to change the colors of one of my sensorpanels by using a separate colored background with transparent PNG files to overlay on top of the color block. Tested this method and it worked fabulously for the first sensor item, so I started making minor modifications to the overlay files when I discovered that only the first transparent PNG file that I load works properly. Any subsequent transparent PNG that I load seems to have issue with transparency where it shouldn't. I've recreated this multiple times now assuming that it was my error in generating the PNGs, but I wanted to see if anybody else can recreate to see if this is a bug. Version 6.70.6000 4/11/2022 build date Thanks, -Mojo
  9. With gets my vote. -Mojo
  10. Nice! Glad you like it. I realized that I forgot to indicate that I used the GeForce font on mine if you'd like to keep the look/sizing the same. https://fontsfree.pro/brand-fonts/917-geforce.html -Mojo
  11. Changing landscape to portrait isn't quite as easy as a recolor or a marginal resize, but here's my first pass at a Blue/Purple 480x800 variant... Be sure to send a pic of what this looks like in your rig! -Mojo 2022-05-09 BadMojo BluPurp 480x800.sensorpanel
  12. Think somebody asked for a Blue -> Purple variant of this panel a while back, here's an updated copy in those colors in both 1920x1200 and 1920x1080 formats. There's no real custom assets in my panel other than the background and dividers, and these are just simple gradients so changing colors is VERY easy to do yourself, you just have to use the picker on the graphs... -Mojo 2022-05-07 BadMojo BluPurp 1920x1200.sensorpanel 2022-05-07 BadMojo BluPurp 1920x1080.sensorpanel
  13. The Nexus 7 is 1920x1200, sorry I typo'd the filename... -Mojo
  14. This is an excellent panel, I can see this being very popular, nice job! -Mojo
  15. Glad you like it, thanks for the feedback.. My panels tend to be on the simpler side since I am mostly interested in usage overview and general temps. -Mojo
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