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Caterpillar777 last won the day on March 1 2023

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  1. Ok I guess the support for the program is over. Time to look for alternatives then. For anyone interested, I found this handy tool for Windows, which already supports multiple profiles. https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/infopanel/XPFP7C8H5446ZD
  2. I just wanted to know if a tab feature is planned (or maybe already available) for the sensor panel or if it is impossible due to the rendering of the panel itself? And with tabs I mean exactly that. Just a little image/label to click on, showing you another page with the same dimensions (new 'canvas') or another sensor panel profile screen already set up. So basically just different tabs to click through. The reason for me asking is I would like to add additional info on not so important stuff but not on my minimalistic main sensor panel screen. Besides I play with the thought of adding multiple tabs for different hardware (e.g. CPU-tab, GPU-tab, Drive-tab, Traffic-tab, and so on).
  3. I expanded the picture slightly to make it clear. I did this for free..
  4. I have been following this thread for a long time. Those of you who are trying to sell sensor panels here, why don't you start another thread for them? It sucks to see those sales announcements all the time. Stop crying if someone copies them. This is set up for SHARING. Thanks to everyone who shares their work FREE here. You are doing a great job.
  5. Hi, I'm working on a sensorpanel design and I have FPS integration working through RTSS but is there any way to also get Frametimes working with aida64/the Sensorpanel?
  6. Do you by any luck have a 800x480 size ? Would be very appreciated ! =] Clean Black RGB 1024x600.zip
  7. Hi. Thanks for your answer. There is no way to make it work like before? Because Im using lcdsmartie that requires libusbk driver (Installed with zadig). Aida64 worked fine with this driver in windows 10. Edit. Seems that samsung driver is libusb based too. So I guess libusbk should work. If you can, try to install with zadig. It worked fine for me on w10. Not on w11. Still lcdsmartie works. Just aida stopped working with this driver.
  8. Hi. LCD2USB plugin doesnt work anymore since updated to Windows 11. It says incorrect DLL. Was working fine on windows 10. Tried latest aida64 build and the same problem occurs. Thanks
  9. Why is not possible? Spotify api has well documented how to get that info. And there are other apps that can borrow that info. Most aida64 lcd info is great when gaming, but when on idle or listening to music, is pretty much useless. Hope you can rethink your decision,
  10. @Jacob Low WOW!! Awesome job I very like it. Is it possible for you to upload it for a monitor with resolution of 800x480 please ? Thanks in advance and again; GOOD JOB ! WELL DONE!
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